Parkland’s Pollack: Broward Sheriff’s Deputy Is a ‘Coward’

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” while discussing the deputy assigned to protect Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Scot Peterson who did not enter the school during the shooting, Andrew Pollack, who lost his daughter, Meadow called that deputy “a coward.”
WALLACE: Andrew, I want to go back — I understand your strong feelings, but isn’t this issue — isn’t this issue of mental health and trying to make sure that sick people don’t have access to guns, isn’t that part of the problem?
POLLACK: OK. But was that — was that a big issue when we were protecting airports? Was that a big issue? I’m not saying it’s not an issue, Chris. But when we were protecting our federal issues, is that a big issue?
We have our children in these classes which is — that’s the issue is OK. That could be worked out. But right now, the country just wants to come together and make our schools safe for our kids.
There is no other issue than our kids going to class and not thinking about some monster is going to stalk (ph) them in the hallway. That’s what we need to focus on, and we could all come together as Americans instead of other issues and those other issues — I agree with you there are other issues there, but the main issue right now is fixing the schools.
WALLACE: So, let’s talk specifically about that, sir. When you say fix the schools — I mean, you’ve compared it to airports. Are you saying school security, ID checks? You tell me what it is that you would like to see.
POLLACK: I think that — I’m not — I’m not an expert in it, but I think we need to hire the experts and check every school individually and make sure they are safe for the children, you know? There’s a serious problem. Like I said, if the new norm has to be our kids are safe in school. This can’t happen again. I can’t let it happen to another kid in another state.
Like right now, Governor Scott, Governor Scott is doing what he had to do, but he also had to go visit the parents of dead kids for two weeks. I’m on right now today because I want to tell every governor in every other state — they need to be proactive right now. They need to get a bill in place what all — and we are going to put all America together and work with these governors to protect our schools.
We can’t have another shooting in this country. I can’t live with it, and I’m — this has — this has to stop with Parkland, and my daughter’s death can’t be in vain. It has to be the last one.
WALLACE: Andrew, what do you think about the teacher issue? And, you know, I know this must be incredibly painful, but now we hear the stories that there were police on the scene and they didn’t go in, at least three sheriff’s deputies were there and didn’t go in. What —
POLLACK: Yes. One deputy that worked there, Peterson. He worked there, and he’s a coward. He was — he stood by the door. I know is a fact he could have made it to the third floor and saved all six victims if he wasn’t some little — I can’t even — words can’t even describe the way I think about him. But I’m not trying to think about that stuff because that’s just negative and it’s just going to make me toxic.
So, I just want to get the word out to the governors of every state that they have to do something now, today. Get together, they can call me, I have other dead parents here, we all want to help them, and let’s make the school safe.
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