Jesus' Coming Back

Billy Graham the Author: Here are 13 of His Best Books

Billy Graham the Author: Here are 13 of His Best Books
The Rev. Billy Graham, who passed away on Wednesday, February 21, was most known for his ministry–his evangelistic Crusades and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. The world has hardly seen a more influential evangelist since the days of the early apostles. Graham influenced millions of people for Christ.

Preaching and speaking was not his only impact on the world, however. Over the course of six decades, Billy Graham published more than 30 books that address a range of issues from salvation to angels to heaven to Armageddon. He also wrote an autobiography. This is a sampling of his works, many of which were best-sellers and award winners:

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1. “Peace with God”–1953

In Peace with God Billy Graham asks God to help this book “find its way into the hands and hearts of a lost, confused, and searching world . . . men, women, and young people everywhere [who] thirst for peace with God.”

In spite of a life drenched with responsibilities and rewards, are you thirsting? Searching for some nameless thing that is more important than anything in life? You are not alone. All mankind is seeking the answer to the confusion, the moral sickness, the spiritual emptiness that oppresses the world. All humanity is crying out for guidance, for comfort . . .for peace.

Reverend Graham shares God’s gentle, reassuring promise of spiritual calm—of authentic personal peace—amidst a personal life wracked with too much stress, too many burdens, too great a heartache.

“I know men who would write a check for a million dollars if they could find peace,” writes Reverend Graham. “Millions are searching for it. But we Christians have found it! It is ours now and forever. We have found the secret of life! . . .When your spouse dies or your children get sick or you lose your job, you can have a peace that you don’t understand. You may have tears at a graveside, but you can have an abiding peace, a quietness.

“God’s peace can be in your heart—right now . . .Whatever the circumstances, whatever the call, whatever the duty, whatever the price, whatever the sacrifice—His strength will be your strength in your hour of need. “It’s all yours, and it’s free. You don’t have to work for it . . . . Do not put it off.”

Photo courtesy: Religion News Service

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