Opinion: Gender Is A Social Construct, But Only Women Can Have An Opinion On Abortion, But You Can Change Your Gender If You Want, But Oh Wow The Room Is Spinning Please Send Help

Look at the calendar. Do you know what year it is? It’s 2018! Say it with me: two thousand eighteen. That means it’s long past time for us to get a few important things straight, once and for all: gender is a social construct, but only women can have an opinion on abortion, but you can change your gender if you want, but oh my goodness the room is spinning somebody please send help right away.
To all of you backwoods knuckle-draggers: it’s time to drop your antiquated social views and lug your unintelligent self into the present millennium. A person’s assigned birth sex does NOT correlate to their gender identity, but the Patriarchy runs the world and oppresses all women, but you should NEVER assume somebody’s gender, but wow seriously I don’t know where I am and I’m extremely light-headed and I need medical attention at once please call 911.
Are you educating yourself? Do you understand what I’m saying, you bigot? It’s very clear. There are no longer ANY excuses for you to remain a drag on evolved society. NONE.
You should also know that the idea of “gender” is just a meaningless series of impositions society has forced upon us, but you can change your gender simply by adhering to these impositions, and oh yep that’s it I have to lay down now goodbye.
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