Oklahoma Gubernatorial Candidate Says He’s Only One Running Who Will Abolish Abortion in State

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — During his “The Time for Justice” rallies over the weekend, a pastor who is running for the governor’s office in Oklahoma declared that he is the only gubernatorial candidate who will abolish abortion in the state.
“All of the men running for Republican governor—you name them, Mick Cornett, the mayor of this city; Todd Lamb, the lieutenant governor; Gary Richardson out of Tulsa; [mortgage banker] Kevin Stitt; Gary Jones, the state auditor—all of them say that they are proudly pro-life, but not a one of them will call for the abolition of abortion. Not a one of them,” lamented Dan Fisher, pastor of Liberty Church in Yukon.
“But let me tell you who will and who is, at the top of his lungs: I am!” he declared, drawing enthusiastic cheers and applause.
Hundreds attended Fisher’s campaign rallies Friday and Saturday, many of them holding campaign signs that read “Abortion-free state.” One large banner held by a group of supporters read “The Supreme Court is not God.”
An estimated 200 volunteers also distributed literature explaining how Fisher plans to assert state sovereignty in ending abortion in Oklahoma. The pamphlet outlined that, if elected, Fisher will “call an emergency special session of the Oklahoma legislature to criminalize abortion as murder,” and will “instruct law enforcement officials to immediately close every abortion facility in Oklahoma in accordance with their sworn oaths of office.”
Fisher says that he will also call upon President Trump to stand with Oklahoma as he declares that the issue of abortion is out of the jurisdiction of the federal government, and will also urge Christians to actually be the Church in providing help and hope to mothers who would have otherwise sought out abortion.
A video posted to Fisher’s YouTube page further outlines his position based on the original intent of the Founding Fathers, as he noted in a recent speech that the 10th Amendment declares that “the powers not delegated to [the federal government] … are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”
Fisher also pointed to the Federalist Papers, which teach that the powers that belong to the federal government are few, and the powers reserved for the states are “numerous and indefinite.”
“Now do you think that the federal government today believes its powers and few and defined, and that the powers of the states are numerous and indefinite? No, it’s exactly the other way around,” he explained.
“Why do we have a governor if we (the states) are irrelevant?” Fisher asked, provoking thought. “We’ve changed the rulebook [as a nation].”
Fisher further noted that the U.S. Supreme Court has issued rulings that were wrong and immoral, and none would state that the nation is bound to follow evil declarations. He pointed to the court’s Scott v. Sandford ruling in 1857 that declared that blacks are property, the 1927 Buck v. Bell ruling that sanctioned forced sterilization, and the 1944 ruling of Korematsu v. United States that permitted the government to incarcerate Japanese residents.
“The Supreme Court is not infallible. They are not always right. So are we duty-bound to obey them when they are wrong?” he asked.
In contending that the answer is no, Fisher quoted from the Founding Fathers, who called government overreach an evil.
“When everybody says, ‘Well, you can’t just disobey the law,’ what do we say about the Hebrew midwives who disobeyed the law? What do we say about Daniel and his three friends who disobeyed the law? What do we say about Jesus, who dared to heal on the Sabbath, which was against Jewish law?” he asked.
And while he clarified that he is not an anarchist and supports law and order—and would like to see law and order as it pertains to murdering the unborn—Fisher proclaimed, “Nothing that is morally wrong should be legally right.”
View Fisher’s message, entitled “Do the States Matter?,” in full here.
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