Donald Trump Reveals Re-Election Slogan: ‘I Can’t Say Make America Great Again Because We Already Did That’

President Donald Trump announced his re-election slogan during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday.
After teasing the release, he said: “Our new slogan … is going to be ‘Keep America Great!” he said as the crowd roared with approval.
The president said he loved his original Make America Great Again slogan, but that he already had to think ahead.
“I can’t say Make America Great Again because I already did that,” he said.
He emphasized that it was “our” slogan, noting that his supporters helped make everything happen.
“I mean, I look forward, I really do, I look forward to 2020 because I want to see how far left the person is going to be that we’re going to run against,” he said.
Trump urged Oprah Winfrey to throw her hat in the ring, saying he would “love” to campaign against her.
“I would love to beat Oprah,” he said. “I know her weakness. I know her weakness … I would love it. That would be a painful experience for her.”
Trump said that even if he coasted for the next two years, everything would turn out fine.
He specified that Republicans had to keep the House and the Senate in order for things to keep going well.
“We can only do that if we elect people who are going to back our agenda and fight for our values,” he said. “And that’s why we have to defeat Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters – a low IQ individual.”
Trump urged Pennsylvania to support Republican Rick Saccone in the special election on Tuesday.
“He’s a very fine human being. He’s a good person,” he said.
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