Jesus' Coming Back

Syrian Christian Migrant Fleeing Islamic Terrorism Returns To Syria, Says ‘It’s Safer In Syria Now Than In Europe’

Spiro Haddad is a Christian from Syria who migrated to Europe fleeing from persecution in his native land. Now he has returned to Syria because, according to him, Europe has become too dangerous with the new Muslims that have been brought in:

Spiro Haddad is a Christian refugee who returned to Syria from Austria. In an interview with a German TV broadcaster in Syria, he tells how his life was in danger in Austria and why he made the decision to return.

Haddad says he reached Austria by spending €3,000 on smugglers. At first he wanted to stay there, but he changed his mind after he saw how many refugees pledged to terrorist groups like Al-Nusra and ISIS.

As a Christian he didn’t feel safe among them in Austria and he had to keep his faith a secret or it could cost him his life. Haddad says extremists wanted to change churches into mosques and he had to talk like them to survive.

After he contacted the Austrian authorities about it, they didn’t take him seriously. That was the moment he decided to leave and now he lives in Syria again.

Haddad warns Europe and says “it’s not good that Europe is open to all”. “ISIS and Al-Nusra want to destroy everything, even with you. If you do not understand that, I’m pessimistic for the future of Europe,” he says. (source)

Haddad is a wise man, and note because of anything to do with “migaration.” As we have noted, Europe has become a very dangerous place, for the Muslims, having been brought into Europe, are being used to destabilize the continent.

Ultimately, as we have warned, the Muslims are not the biggest danger to Europe, because their disordered behavior and inability to successfully integrate into European society, which the European governments knew would happen, are but the fan used to fan the fiery zeal of the nationalism of old. 

Jesus Christ is King

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