Jesus' Coming Back

BuzzFeed Acquires The Gospel Coalition

NEW YORK, NY—In what was rumored to be a multi-million-dollar deal, popular clickbait website BuzzFeed has purchased The Gospel Coalition, journalists learned Wednesday.

TGC had reportedly been restructuring and refocusing its content for the past several years in an attempt to merge with a larger clickbait site, and according to TGC council members, BuzzFeed was a perfect match.

“It’s a match made in heaven from eternity past,” council member D.A. Carson said. “We’ll be able to reorient our gospel-centered content to a more attractive, listicle-style feel. ’27 GIFs That Will Make Paedobaptists Feel All The Feels,’ ‘Beth Moore Just Debuted Her New Hairstyle And We Are LOVING IT,’ that kind of thing.”

“Whatever gets the clicks,” he added.

Exciting articles like “Here are 53 pictures of John Piper that will make you say, FAREWELL ROB BELL!” and “Tell us your favorite dessert and we’ll tell you which Puritan is your spirit animal” immediately went up on the site following the purchase. One hot, trending article was titled “YASS, SLAY QUEEN: THIS WOMAN WAS TOLD SHE COULDN’T SERVE IN CHILDREN’S MINISTRY, AND YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT SHE DID NEXT!”

At publishing time, sources confirmed that BuzzFeed was eyeballing Desiring God.

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