Ultrasound Shows Unborn Baby Holding ‘Keep Your Laws Off My Body’ Sign

NEW YORK, NY—During a routine ultrasound appointment to make sure Margaret Navarro’s unborn child was growing perfectly and had no abnormalities that might cause her to consider terminating the pregnancy, the nurse and mother were both astounded as they gazed at the medical screen and saw the baby in utero clearly holding a picket sign reading “Keep your laws off my body.”
“I’ve never seen anything like this,” the shocked nurse said, as she called the doctor into the room.
With a knowing glance, the doctor confirmed that she had seen this before. “The fetus is remarking on the current abortion laws of the United States, which allow unborn humans to be killed for any reason, at any time, up until birth. It’s also a funny play on words, since, you know, grown women always use the saying ‘keep your laws off my body’ to protest the anti-abortion movement, knowing full well that a fetus is scientifically a unique human being, separate from the woman, and is certainly not a ‘part of their body.’”
The doctor went on to reveal that the previous week she saw an unborn child holding a sign that read “My body, my choice.”
“Anyway, just proceed with the appointment as usual, and if you find any abnormalities, make sure to suggest the option of aborting the pregnancy, per our standard procedure,” she added, walking out of the room.
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