Rep. Steve King on the Omnibus Spending Battle: ‘Let’s Fund the Whole Wall and Let’s Build It All’

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) told Breitbart News Sunday hosts Matthew Boyle and Amanda House that Congress should fund the wall in the ensuing omnibus spending battle, saying, “Let’s fund the whole wall and let’s build it all.”
Rep. King told Breitbart News Sunday about the incoming omnibus spending bill that Congress has to pass before this Friday.
King declared:
Well, this method of governing is just so messy that it puts any member of Congress in a position where maybe you can pick one thing and then beat the drum to try to keep that from getting slipped in there. Or you can beat the drum and try to get it slipped in to get the funding. Of course, there’s a list of things that I want to see: let’s fund the wall, let’s fund the whole wall, and let’s build it all. I used to say let’s build the wall until they stop going around the end.
Congressman King also cautioned that Congress might not push to defund Planned Parenthood in the omnibus spending bill, but there is a push for the New York Gateway Bridge project that will benefit Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
“I’m most concerned about two things, great big things, shame on us if we cannot defund Planned Parenthood,” King said.
King added, “I don’t want to see money go to Schumer. I don’t want to see amnesty in the bill, Matt.”
Rep. King also told Breitbart News Sunday that he wants to remove the 60-vote majority to pass legislation in the Senate.
King explained, “I am ready to get rid of the filibuster. It was clear that it forces bipartisan most of the time, but we don’t we have bipartisanship anymore. We have partisanship more than ever.”
The Iowa Republican continued, “We should get rid of the filibuster and then we just ram stuff through. By the way, if we were to that level, we could get back to regular order much, much, easier.”
Rep. King also called for Congress to defund sanctuary cities in the incoming spending bill.
“Defund Sanctuary cities and of course the state of California,” King charged. “I would shut down every dollar going into that state until they began to honor their obligation to the United States of America. They don’t have the authority to be sanctuary cities and states.”
Breitbart News Sunday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern.
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