Nine year old boy murders his sister, execution style by shooting her in the back of the head after having an argument over a video game

A nine year old boy in Mississippi murder his sister execution style by shooting her in the back of the head, after an argument over a video game. Yes, this is real. As we read in a report from RT:
Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell said the girl would not give her brother a video game controller, and that she was shot in the back of the head with a .25 caliber handgun, the Jackson Clarion Ledger reports. Authorities don’t yet know how the child accessed the gun. According to Cantrell, the children’s mother was feeding other children in another room when the shooting occurred.
“He’s just 9. I assume he’s seen this on video games or TV. I don’t know if he knew exactly what this would do,” Cantrell said. “I can’t answer that. I do know it’s a tragedy.”
Authorities arrived at the scene at approximately 1 pm local time Sunday, Cantrell told WTVA. The 13-year-old was rushed to Le Bonheur’s Children’s Hospital in Memphis where she later died at roughly at 6:45 pm Sunday.
“This is all new ground for us, we’ve never dealt with a kid shooting a kid at age 9,” Cantrell said. “We don’t know yet what kind of charges or if charges will be pressed. We want to make sure we’re doing everything correctly.”
“That’s why I’m not too fast to say anything because there are juveniles involved. We want to do what’s right and we’re going to get it right.”
This is the second juvenile sibling shooting to occur in the US this month. On March 2, nine-year-old Branden Patten died after being shot by his seven-year-old brother in Archuleta County, Colorado, the Durango Herald reports. Branden was shot in the neck after he and his three brothers found a gun in a neighboring summer house. He was found dead at the scene.
What we are currently witnessing in society is the unleashing of an animalistic mentality which, having a thirst for violent or a unfathomable desire for the ‘thrill’ of killing, will slaughter blood for any reason. The reason why people are killing others in this frenzy of blood lust is because of an utter rejection of the sublime, in favor for the pleasure of the moment.
We have enslaved ourselves to moments. We want our satisfaction immediately, and if we don’t get it, we feel an intense urge to destroy whoever we believe is an obstacle to our rush. We have made ourselves into our own gods, and whoever denies us our demands we consider heretics, worthy to be put to the slaughter. This spirt is becoming so prevalent that it is seeping into the souls of the young, children as young as nine years old as we see in the story above. We like to talk about Muslim kids with guns, but we have plenty of violent kids in the United States.
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