Jesus' Coming Back

Schweizer: We Need Legislation to Disclose Deals Between Family Members of Politicians, Foreign Governments

Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” author and Breitbart senior editor-at-large Peter Schweizer discussed his new book, “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends”.

After discussing Hunter Biden’s $1.5 billion deal with China, Schweizer said, “There is no disclosure. That has got to change. There has to be legislation says if your family members are doing deals with foreign governments American people need to know it.”

Schweizer said, “In the case of Mitch McConnell, Elaine Chao his wife her family is in the shipping business. If you look and dissect the shipping business they are completely dependent on the good graces of the Chinese government. In this case, Elaine Chao’s father gave a gift of 5 to $25 million dollars to Mitch McConnell, so they are direct beneficiaries.”

He continued, “What people don’t realize is where the money came from? It came from the Chinese government. Specifically, the China State Shipbuilding Corporation, business partner with the Chaos, is the largest military contractor in China.”

He added, “One of the things I argue in the book, if you look at Mitch McConnell’s record in the Senate he has become increasingly soft on China as it relates to military issues or trade issues. He is probably going to say ‘No, that is not true, it is not connected,’ but the pattern is overwhelming. It is about follow the money. Where we always end up when we look at corruption in politics, follow the money.”

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