Jesus' Coming Back

Couple in Ohio have sex in playground right in front of children

By Theodore Shoebat

A couple in Ohio was caught having sex in a playground right in front of children. Such low class. As we read in a report:

A frisky couple shocked young children at a school playground in Ohio when they reportedly got too playful themselves, officials said.

Jacoby Schmidt, 23, and Ashley Carrelli, 22, were allegedly caught Sunday afternoon having sex within view of nearly a dozen kids at Walker Elementary School in Canton, news station WEWS reported.

Authorities said they received a 911 call that the couple had exposed themselves to the kids and numerous adults while having intercourse.

When deputies arrived, the pair continued to fornicate and Carelli repeatedly bared her breasts to witnesses, WEWS reported.

The couple told authorities they didn’t know they couldn’t have sex near the elementary school — and claimed they weren’t aware they had an audience.

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