GOP Sen Scott: Trump ‘Not Racist,’ But ‘Absolutely’ Racially Insensitive

Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) said President Donald Trump is “absolutely” racially insensitive.
Partial transcript as follows:
BRENNAN: Do you think that President Trump and his administration have deepened this divide? Have you seen any signs of hope that they’re helping to bridge it?
SCOTT: I will say that when I went to the president after the Charlottesville incident, he asked me what could he do? We were not on the same page as it relates to the history of race in this nation. But we found common – a common position on legislative remedies that could help people in distressed communities. The opportunity zones that we’re talking about throughout this country, the president said he would commit to supporting that legislation. He did. It’s now law and now 50 million Americans may see reasons to breathe hopefully about the future because of that legislation that will bring more resources into distressed communities.
BRENNAN: After Charlottesville you said the president is not a racist but he is racially insensitive.
BRENNAN: Is that still what you believe?
SCOTT: Absolutely. Yeah, the president is not a racist, but is he racially insensitive? I think the answer is yes.
BRENNAN: You haven’t seen an improvement in language or in actions by the Justice Department.
SCOTT: Well I can’t – I can’t say whether or not the entire administration reflects his position. I will say that he has been very positive on legislative remedies. I think if you follow the facts what you’ll find is that unemployment rates within the African-American community at six point nine percent haven’t been this low in almost two decades. The Hispanic community hasn’t been this low in almost two decades. The fact is that the policy position of the administration is moving this country in the right direction economically. We still have to work on the tone and the rhetoric.
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