Google Pays Respect To Jesus’s Empty Tomb With Empty Homepage

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA—While Christians have often complained of bias in the selection of which days Google honors with its “Google Doodles,” believers around the country were reportedly ecstatic to find that the search and advertising giant chose to honor the empty tomb of Jesus on Easter morning with an empty homepage.
While many significant holidays like International Women’s Day, Labor Day, and “Celebrating Pad Thai” are honored with a specially designed Google logo for the day, the celebration of Jesus’s resurrection was given the highest honor, with a completely unaltered Google homepage.
“Just as Christ left a completely empty tomb, so we decided to leave our Google Doodle empty and blank in honor of this significant historical event,” Google CEO Sundar Pichai said in a special Easter address Sunday. “We didn’t want to do something cheesy or corny, but a mostly white search engine page seemed to communicate the proper level of reverence.”
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