Jesus' Coming Back

Safe Third Country Agreement: The Biggest ‘Loophole’ In US Asylum Law Is One That Trump Isn’t Tweeting About

> 1,000 Honduran migrants are marching through Mexico with aims of seeking asylum in the U.S.
> President Donald Trump blamed catch and release loopholes for complicating border enforcement
> The US should close another loophole that allows migrants to apply for asylum from safe countries

President Donald Trump reacted with fury over reports that a 1,000-strong caravan of Central American migrants is marching north through Mexico with the aim of applying for asylum in the U.S. or illegally slipping across the southwest border.

In series of tweets beginning over the weekend, Trump blamed the Mexican government for letting the caravan travel unimpeded, but he reserved most of his scorn for “weak” U.S. immigration laws that he said were encouraging the marchers.

The White House followed up on Trump’s comments Monday by releasing a fact sheet that blamed “catch and release” provisions in U.S. immigration law for the high number of unaccompanied minors and family units arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Read the rest from Will Racke HERE.

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