Another Tom Steyer, Left Wing-Funded Group Gathers on the National Mall: March for Science Redux

Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images
Another march took place in downtown Washington, D.C. on Saturday – this one featuring anti-faith, pro-climate change, pro-LGBT activists, unions, and other left-wing, anti-Trump groups carrying signs and posters to advance the cause of science.
The second March for Science comes one year after organizers claim one million people attended the first.
“In 2017, more than one million people around the world gathered together in the largest event for science advocacy in history,” the Eventbrite invitation said. “In 2018, we unite again to hold our elected and appointed officials responsible for enacting equitable evidence-based policies that serve all communities and science for the common good.”
“This past year we have seen more threats to science than ever before at all levels of our government,” the invitation said. “The time is now to stand up and show your support for science!”
Best thing to happen today… Meeting @LittleMissFlint, one of the keynote speakers at #MarchforScience! As a born & raised Michigander, I wore one of her shirts today to ask people to support Flint. Please donate & help her bring clean water to Flint:
— Myra Batchelder (@myrabatchelder) April 14, 2018
Some of the sponsors of the March listed with links on its website include Tom Steyer’s NextGen Climate of America, the Nature Conservancy, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Atheists, American Federation of Teachers, American Humanist Association, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Climate Working Group, Environmental Defense Fund, Friends of the Earth, Hip Hop Caucus, National Center for Transgender Equality, and Spread the Vote.
The first signs we encountered heading to @marchforsciencedc.
— Footprint Network (@EndOvershoot) April 14, 2018
Speakers included an undocumented college student, Evelyn Valdez Ward; Dr. Vinton Cerf, “vice president and chief internet evangelist” at Google; a child nicknamed “Little Miss Flint,” who was invited by President Barack Obama to visit the White House after the Flint, Michigan water scandal, and the CEO of AAAS.
Keeping it real at the #MarchForScience with @RevYearwood & @LittleMissFlint Fighting For Our Most Vulnerable Communities! #Environmentaljustice #FlintWaterCrisis #Climatechange @HipHopCaucus
— Mustafa Santiago Ali (@EJinAction) April 14, 2018
Great to see Megan Smith, former US Chief Technology Officer, and Mari Copeny, Little Miss Flint, back at the @ScienceMarchDC to speak truth to power and champion science for the common good!#ScienceNotSilence
— Valorie V. Aquino (@ValorieAquino) April 14, 2018
The March for Science website includes the following mission statement:
We work toward a future where science is fully embraced in public life and policy. The March for Science organization empowers a global community of science supporters for nonpartisan advocacy in service of equitable and effective science and science policy.
Promoting evidence-based policies is at the heart of our mission. How do we achieve this? By giving our supporters the resources they need to advocate for science policy and connect with their elected officials at all levels — within schools, local government and at the national level.
“Our letter writing campaigns, phone scripts, and “How to Advocate Guide” make it easier for our supporters to advocate for science-based policies at various levels— within schools, local government and at the national level,” the website said.
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