Jesus' Coming Back

Turkish Tyrant Erdogan Rejoices At News Of Syria Attack As He Prepares Turkey For A Return To Her Ottoman Ways

The disastrous mess that is Syria just got worse after a coalition of US, UK, and French forces at the insistence and support of Israel attacked Syria, threatening prospects for a potential war with Russia.

In response to the entire controversy, Syria’s Turkish neighbor has given her support to the joint US/UK/French/Israeli action, saying that the actions were “welcomed”:

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan welcomed U.S., British and French forces’ airstrikes on Syria, saying that the operation sent a message to Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad.

“With the joint operation by U.S., U.K. and France on Saturday, the Syrian regime received the message that its massacres wouldn’t be left unanswered,” Erdogan told his ruling AK Party supporters in an Istanbul meeting.

“The innocent Syrian people should have been defended long ago,” Erdogan added. (source)

Some people might be surprised that Turkey supports the recent actions. However, it should not come as a surprise. It’s a present to the sultan-aspirant Erdogan to help in realize his Ottoman dream.

Let’s review some basic facts about Erdogan and Turkey from the Shoebat archives.

First, Erdogan wants to revive the Ottoman empire. He has made this clear in no uncertain terms and judging by his actions, he fancies himself as a modern sultan and leader of the Muslim world and the protector of the Islamic sites of Mecca and Medina.

Second, Turkey’s rise to power in the Middle East is being directly aided by her German ally. Turkey’s largest trading partner is Germany, and Turkey and Germany have a mutual history that goes back to the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453 that was further sealed by the Turkish support of the Protestant Revolution. It has already been proven that the Turks and Germans collaborated to foment the “refugee crisis” in order to revive militarism in Europe and the Middle East.

Third, America is a very close ally of Turkey, so much that the reason the modern Turkish military is so powerful is because America and her German ally working with other European nations as a part of Operation Gladio built Turkey’s military for her as a “hedge” against the Russians as part of their support of national socialism and national socialist movements.

Fourth, as such, Turkey supports ISIS because ISIS is an American-backed creation. The collaboration is so great that even Erdogan’s own son-in-law, Berat Albayrak, directly worked with ISIS to run oil, weapons, and other cargo as it was exposed by the Wikileaks papers.

Fifth, Israel has already been working to make contacts in historical Turkic areas to build pro-Israel relationships in preparation for the impending Ottoman revival. Even though we have discussed the historical peace treaty between Turkey and Israel, Israel understands past and contemporary history and is already positioning herself for impeding changes in the Middle East.

Sixth, the Rothschild banking cartel working with Americans, including former Vice President Dick Cheney, has already established oil and gas interests in Syria. At the same time, this also comes in light of the plans for a Russian-backed oil pipeline through Syria to Europe that would bypass the American-Israeli-Turkish pipes.

Seventh, the destabilization of Syria gives Erdogan a reason to use his military to “stabilize” northern Syria and thus begin the process of re-occupying, piece-by-piece, former Ottoman territories in the name of regional stabilization and peacekeeping with the blessing and cooperation of the West.

It is not difficult to see why Erdogan would support these strikes. All they do is support Turkish expansionism.

It should not come as a surprise that into this mix is also Japan, who expressed her support of the air strikes:

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Saturday that Japan supports the decision by the United States, Britain and France to launch strikes on Syria targeting sites associated with chemical weapons capabilities.

“The Japanese government supports the resolve of the United States, Britain and France not to allow the proliferation or use of chemical weapons,” Abe told reporters in Tokyo after a meeting of the National Security Council.

“We understand this action to be a measure taken to prevent the situation worsening further,” he said.

Abe said he will discuss the Syria situation with U.S. President Donald Trump during a summit in Florida next week.

In a possible reference to North Korea, Abe said the threat of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons is also becoming more serious in East Asia, and that Japan will work with the United States and the international community to maintain peace and stability in the region.

Trump has explicitly said Russia, a major backer of Syrian President Bashar Assad in the country’s civil war, is responsible for the deaths of civilians in the alleged chemical attack on April 7 on a rebel-held town near Damascus.

Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said the situation in Syria “is worrying to the international community, including Russia.”

He told reporters at the Defense Ministry that Japan will analyze what kind of impact the worsening of relations between the United States and Russia could have on the situation in North Korea.

Japan’s support for the “resolve” behind the reasoning for the strikes echoes its response to a U.S. airstrike on a Syrian air base in April last year in retaliation for another alleged chemical attack.

Speaking to reporters after the NSC meeting, Foreign Minister Taro Kono denied that the wording of Japan’s message of support means it holds a different attitude from the United States and other allies. (source)

Now Japan did not participate in the strikes. However, their support is reinforcement of the alliances with the USA and importantly, it is an acknowledgemnoent of the Turco-Japanese alliance that exists with Germany and as we have noted will emerge once again in the future.

At the same time, Saudi Arabia is also in a panic, as they called a meeting with other Arab leaders to discuss the conflict:

Leaders of the 22-nation Arab League, who will meet in the Saudi city of Dhahran on Sunday, are expected to stress continuity in their efforts to find a solution to the Syrian conflict. It follows airstrikes by the US, UK and France against the Assad regime on Saturday. The leaders are likely to seek Arab and international support to increase pressure on the regime to find a solution to the conflict.

Their push for a tough stand against Iran is expected to dominate the Arab League Summit as regional tensions grow over the wars in Syria and Yemen.

The fate of Jerusalem will also be on the agenda as the US prepares to move its embassy there from Tel Aviv after declaring it Israel’s capital.

“All key regional issues are on the agenda, with Syria, Yemen and Palestine at the top,” Ali Al-Kayed, Jordanian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, told Arab News.

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Qayid, founding member of the National Society for Human Rights (NSHR), said Saturday’s airstrikes are “largely welcomed by Western and Arab nations, which condemn (the regime’s) crimes against humanity by repeatedly using chemical weapons against civilians.”

He added: “There is an urgent need to defuse the crisis in Syria, where more than half of the population has either fled the country or become homeless.”

He asked: “Should the world sit and watch as an arrogant ruler (Syrian President Bashar Assad) commits genocide in his own country?”

Al-Qayid urged Arab leaders to take “stern and decisive action” to resolve the conflict once and for all.
He commended the US, UK and France for Saturday’s attack, saying when a ruthless regime commits war crimes, the international community has the right to take action and save innocent civilians.

Arab leaders and heads of delegations started arriving in Dhahran on Saturday to take part in the summit, SPA reported.

They were received by Prince Saud bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, governor of Eastern Region; Prince Ahmed bin Fahad bin Salman, deputy governor, Ahmed Aboul-Gheit, secretary general of the Arab League, and a number of officials.

Iran’s interference

Thursday’s preparatory meeting of Arab foreign ministers said there could be “no peace and security in the region as long as Iran continues to interfere in the domestic affairs of Arab states.”

The meeting was led by Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir, who received the Arab League’s rotating chairmanship from his Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi in the presence of the secretary-general.

Addressing the meeting, Aboul-Gheit said the decline of Arab influence on the situation in Syria had led to the “domination of foreign powers” there, paving the way for the country’s eventual disintegration. “The crisis in Syria can only be resolved through a political solution,” he added.

Saudi Arabia is likely to seek Arab support to pile the pressure on Iran, an analyst told AFP.

“Saudi Arabia is going to push for a much harsher stance on Iran — not necessarily on the nuclear dossier per se, but on Iranian influence in the Arab countries, particularly Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen,” said Karim Bitar of the Paris-based Institute of International and Strategic Affairs. (source)

Saudi Arabia called the meeting because she is panicking in what are progressively more fruitless attempts to assert her declining relevance in the Middle East. Specifically, it is the declining influence of the Saud family in the face of changing politics and the rise of Turkey.

Saudi Arabia has to back the attacks on Syria because she is allied to the US and Israel. Saudi hates Turkey, but by supporting the US/Israeli position on Syria she is also supporting Turkish militarism and interventionism, which she does not want to do because she knows that Turkey is salivating at the chance to destroy the influence of the Saud family. In response, Saudi is now focusing on Iran and “Iranian influence” because Iran is a historical enemy of Saudi and likewise, the Israelis have wanted to bomb Iran for years. Her strategy right now is to give the necessary lip support she is forced to give the Turks because of the US/Israeli alliance, while at the same time attempting to divert attention to the Iranians in a desperate attempt to hold off Persian influence in the Gulf or, even more importantly, to stall the development of Turco-Aryan relations that poses an existential threat to Saudi.

However, all of this may not even matter, because Saudi Arabia is isolated. American and Israel will turn on her if their interests change, which they are, and they have options in the region. Saudi has no options. Her only major ally right now is Pakistan, and Pakistan is also isolated between Iran and India, both who hate her. For this reason, Saudi is trying to remake her image trying to survive, but most likely, Saudi Arabia is toast.

At this time, it is relevant to mention that so many people want to say the problem with the Muslim world is the “Arabs” because they are “all Muslims” and “all terrorists.” Such language is not only discriminatory and factually incorrect, but is a direct hindrance to understanding the politics of the Middle East. While the Arabs are far from perfect and there are many Arabs who have been involved in terrorism, the Arabs as a people are not generally inclined to large-scale war or serious conflict such as that seen in Europe. The spread of Islam and Arab culture after Mohammed, while it was real, might even be called something of a preternatural exception because the Arabs tend to mind to their own local and regional affairs in both a historical and modern sense.

When was the last time a major Arabian power set out to conquer the world? One might name the “Islamic conquests,” but after that what else could one name? Even after the Islamic conquests, the great caliphate quickly broke apart into small, squabbling regional empires consumed with their own affairs before that of world domination.

The Turk is another story. Turkic peopleS, like the Europeans, have conquered large parts of the entire world and not just once. One should recall that it was Turkish mercenaries who fought many of the wars as employees of the Muslim caliphates who eventually took over many of the regional governments in the Middle East. It was not the Arabs who destroyed the ancient Byzantine Empire, and neither was it the Catholics with the sack of 1204, but it was the Turks- first the Seljuks, who reduced the Byzantine Empire to the European mainland with tiny holdings in Asia Minor, and then it was the Ottomans who finished them off.

It was the Mongols, a Turkic people who conquered almost all of Asia save India and the southeasternmost jungles of Southeast Asia, half of Europe, and were pushing into Africa until they were stopped by the Mamluks under Sayf Ad-Din Qutuz at the Battle of ‘Ayn Jalut. Even after the defeat, the Golden Horde still controlled much of Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia for centuries more.

As mentioned above, the Ottomans, a Turkic people, conquered almost all of Eastern Europe and were pressing into Western Europe. They conquered and controlled the Middle East and their influence extended as far as India and Pakistan. It lasted for centuries until the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I and the subsequent abolishing of the Caliphate in 1923 under Mustapha Kemal Atatürk.

The people of Turkey are not “true Turks” in a racial sense. More accurately, they are the descendants of Turks who conquered and converted Greeks, Slavs, Armenians, Georgians, and some Arabian and Mediterranean peoples to Islam and who accepted the Turkish language and culture. They are more accurately Turks by “spirit” for this reason. However, the anti-Christ spirituality of the Turk, whose acceptance of Islam and desire for power form a deadly combination which has left its bloodied boot print on the pages of history as one of the world’s deadly powers to be reckoned with.

Nothing of the sort could be said about the Arabs. And yet, it is America who in the name of nationalism with a socialist bend- the same nationalism that almost half-a-million Americans died for in the Second World War to defeat in Germany- turned around right after the war was over and supported, going right to Germany’s ally in the Turkish menace and paid to rebuild her army into one of the finest on Earth.

Saudi Arabia, for all of the trouble they have caused, are weak in comparison to many of her neighbors, and she knows it.

Stop looking at the Arabs and thinking they are a major issue. Because they are not.

Instead, keep your eyes focused on the Turk. He is the real menace to be feared and when he returns to power, he will make his power known to all the world through forms of terror that has not been seen in centuries.

Jesus Christ is King

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