ISIS Beheads 14-Year-Old After Being Accused Of Helping Afghan Security Forces

ISIS has reportedly beheaded a 14-year-old after he was accused of helping Afghan Security Forces:
Militants affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group have beheaded a child on charges of helping the security forces in northern Jawzjan province of Afghanistan.
The local officials confirmed on Tuesday that the incident has takne place in the vicinity of Darzab district, home to several ISIS militants.
Provincial security chief Abdul Hafiz Khashi said the child, believed to be 14-year-old, was beheaded by ISIS militants because he was taking food and water to the security forces in the area.
Khashi further added that the victim has been identified as Rahimdad and was helping the security forces voluntarily.
This comes as Afghan and US Special Forces are also busy conducting counter-terrorism operations against the terror group in North of the country.
According to a report by NATO Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan, Afghan Special Security Forces eliminated 22 IS-K fighters attempting to defend IS-K’s strategic center of Darzab district, Jowzjan province on Apr. 11. The operation occurred six days after Qari Hekmatullah, the IS-K emir for northern Afghanistan, and his bodyguard were killed by a U.S. airstrike in Darzab on Apr. 5.
The report further adds that fighters that choose to stay with IS-K face a similar fate as its leaders. Afghan and U.S. special operations coupled with U.S. airstrikes continue to decimate the heart of IS-K in Darzab. Afghan and U.S. forces have killed 90 IS-K fighters this year, a majority were eliminated in Darzab. (source)
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