Jesus' Coming Back

Two Homosexuals Slip Date Rape Drug Into Man’s Drink, When He Becomes Incapacitated They Take Him And Sodomize Him

Often times one hears about date rape drugs being used by men against women, but in a recent case from the University of Michigan, police are looking for two homosexuals who slipped a date rape drug into a man’s drink. After he became incapacitated, they took the man and then sodomized him against his will:

A male University of Michigan student claims he was sexually assaulted after he was unknowingly slipped a “benzo” date rape drug at a party, according to a report.

The victim told campus police he could hardly remember what happened the night of April 11, when he and his friends were walking and chatted up by two college-aged men around 10 p.m. MLive in Michigan reported.

The pair invited the group to a house party on Fletcher Street in Ann Arbor, where the student was given a soft drink mixed with alcohol.

He woke up the next day with a foggy memory – and injuries consistent with being sexually assaulted, he told police.

The victim tested positive for Benzodiazepine, a powerful sedative known as a “benzo” and commonly used as a date-rape drug.

The first suspect went by the name “Darnell” and was described as a black male about 21 or 22 years old, between 6-foot-1 and 6-foot-2, with a solid build and dark, clear complexion. He has short, dark hair and a well-formed beard on his chin and a mustache. He was last seen wearing a dark jacket.

The second suspect, who went by the name “Sam,” is a white male between 21 or 22 years old, 5-foot-9 and 5-foot-10 with a thin build, blond hair parted on the left with a swoop and a clean-shaven face. He was wearing bright green basketball shoes. (source)

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