Jesus' Coming Back

AP U.S. History Text: White, Christian Americans Finding It ‘Difficult to Adjust’ to Becoming Minority

A soon-to-be-released updated edition of an Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. History textbook teaches students that white Christian Americans are finding it “difficult to adjust” to becoming a minority and puts forward the perception that President Donald Trump’s election occurred because his apparent “racism connected with a significant number of primary voters.”

James Fraser’s By the People: A History of the United States, 2ndEdition, is published by Pearson and has a 2019 copyright date.

Alex Clark – co-host of the Indiana-based morning radio Joe and Alex Show– tweeted photos of the cover and several pages of the book that she reports were sent to her by a friend in Minnesota.

“In case you didn’t think there was an effort going on in public schools to indoctrinate kids with an anti-conservative agenda, a friend of mine took pictures and highlighted parts of this AP US History book,” she wrote. “She says, ‘This was the new ‘sample’ AP US HISTORY book sent to my school. The chapter mentions Bengazi [sic] (no ACTUAL details what happened) and mentions her ‘private email server.’”

Read the rest from Dr. Susan Berry HERE.

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