Jesus' Coming Back

REVOLT GROWS: Half Of California Supports Travel Ban, Increased Deportations

A new report released on Wednesday revealed that approximately half of California’s population supports President Donald Trump’s travel ban and increasing the number of deportations carried out by federal immigration authorities.

The survey, conducted by left-leaning UC Berkeley’s Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society, found that support for the Trump administration’s agenda was strong even in the state’s most far-left areas. The Daily Democrat reports:

About 24 percent of the survey’s participants said it’s “very important” for the U.S. to increase deportations of undocumented immigrants, while 35 percent said it’s “somewhat important,” according to the poll. That viewpoint even held true in the Bay Area, where 25 percent of those surveyed said increasing deportations is very important and 35 percent said it’s somewhat important.

And about 49 percent of Californians support temporarily banning people from Muslim-majority countries, according to the poll. In the Bay Area, 44 percent of residents support the ban, the least out of any region in California.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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