Republican-Dominated Congress Set To Appoint Trump-Approved And Obama-Backed Jewish Sodomite And LGBT Activist As Equal Employment Opportunity Commissioner

Let this be a reminder that not only the “Democrats” promote such people- the Republicans are no different in their essence than the Democrats:
Lesbian activist and controversial Equal Employment Opportunity Commissioner Chai Feldblum––a holdover from the Obama Administration––is poised to be approved by the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate for another term.
Conservatives across the country are puzzled over how Feldblum––credited with spearheading and implementing much of the former administration’s radical gay and transgender policy agenda––is even under consideration to continue in her high-profile position at the EEOC.
If Feldblum is approved, it will be because Senate leadership is anxious to establish Republican control at the EEOC.
The bipartisan agency’s five commissioners gets split with a 3-2 advantage by whichever party holds the White House, but the realining of the commissioners has yet to take place more than a year into the Trump presidency.
Republican leadership in both the Senate and White House want to rebalance the commission under GOP control as soon as possible, but that means tradeoffs are being made and games are being played in the Senate in order to install the new board.
“Senate leadership is pushing to confirm Chai Feldblum as EEOC Commissioner this week,” reports Powerline’s Paul Mirengoff. “Sen. Mike Lee placed a hold on Feldblum’s nomination. However, the plan is to get Lee’s consent by packaging Feldblum with the Trump nominee for EEOC General Counsel. Feldblum is already packaged with two Trump nominees for Commissioner.
“This, they hope, will be sufficient to cause Sen. Lee to withdraw his hold. The four nominees could then be confirmed by unanimous consent,” says Mirengoff, who asserts, “this deal isn’t good enough to justify granting Feldblum another term.”
Mirengoff points out that Republicans “have the power to confirm the two Republican nominees for Commissioner, plus the General Counsel nominee, without confirming Feldblum.”
“That’s why the Democrats agreed to the deal — that and the fact that Feldblum is super-smart, super-left, and super-knowledgeable about the EEOC and how to manipulate it,” says Mirengoff. “Through the deal, the Dems would get an enormous asset in the culture and social wars in exchange for permitting something they have no power to stop.”
But that’s also why Senator Mike Lee has put a hold on the vote, stalling its advancement. If Lee can’t be convinced to remove the hold, The Atlantic reports there are two possible ways for Republicans to proceed:
- Trump can pull Feldblum’s nomination. But that would blow up the slate and put Democrats in no mood to send him a more palatable alternative recommendation, much less wave through subsequent nominees.
- Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell could break apart the package and ram through each nominee separately. Again, Democrats would respond unpleasantly, killing any possibility of a Unanimous Consent vote. Unsurprisingly, McConnell is focusing on clearing higher-profile, higher-priority nominees.
To follow either of these courses would draw out the approval process considerably.
Feldblum’s Radical Pro-LGBT Agenda at the EEOC
“Based on the last six years, Feldblum hasn’t earned our trust — or another chance. When she was asked about the rights of Christians hiring employees of their choosing, she replied, ‘Gays win; Christians lose.,’” said the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins in a statement last year.
Feldblum was appointed by President Obama to the EEOC in 2010, despite being one of the original signatories of the notorious 2006 “Beyond Marriage” declaration.
The declaration promoted, among other things: “Legal recognition for a wide range of relationships, households, and families,” as well as, “Committed, loving households in which there is more than one conjugal partner,” and “Queer couples who decide to jointly create and raise a child with another queer person or couple, in two households.”
During a 2009 Senate Hearing, Feldblum testified that she had asked to have her name removed from the Beyond Marriage document because of its endorsement of polyamorous relationships.
Feldman holds that sexual liberty always trumps religious liberty. She once explained to National Review’s Maggie Gallagher that while she “didn’t claim she could never find a case where religious liberty wins . . . she was having trouble doing so.”
“Things have changed,” said Feldblum during a 2015 panel discussion sponsored by the Atlantic. “We believe sex discrimination covers discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.”
Feldblum “succeeded in having the EEOC take the position that Title VII protects gays and lesbians from employment discrimination,” noted Mirengoff at Powerline last year. She next “focused on the transgender bathroom wars. She cast the deciding vote in a case where the EEOC decided that the Department of the Army discriminated against Todd Lusardi when it denied him equal access to female restroom facilities. Feldblum and two other commissioners viewed the denial as both disparate treatment on the basis of sex and creation of a hostile work environment.” (source)
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