Dem Rep Castro: ‘Possible’ House Votes to Impeach if Dems Win in 2018

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” Representative Joaquin Castro (D-TX) said that it’s “possible” a majority of the House of Representatives will vote to impeach the president if the Democrats win the House in the 2018 elections.
Anchor Chris Matthews asked, “Where do you see an impeachable offense emerging, most likely — most likely emerging?”
Castro answered, “I think probably obstruction of justice would probably be the strongest thing.”
Matthews later asked what it would take for impeachment and a conviction. Castro responded, “I don’t see it. Remember, you’ve got to get a two-thirds vote of the Senate.”
Matthews then questioned Castro about getting a majority of the House to vote for impeachment if Democrats take back the House in 2018.
Castro said, “Then it’s possible. I think that’s possible. But, you know, you’ve still got to go get two-thirds of the Senate, and that will still be a big mountain to climb.”
Castro further expressed hope that after the primaries, Republican members of Congress will be more willing to take on the president.
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