Jesus' Coming Back

Louie Gohmert Rips into Bob Mueller in 48-Page Report

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) broke down his new 48-page “Robert Mueller: Unmasked,” a takedown of the special counsel, for Washington Political Editor Matt Boyle on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday.

The report, released Wednesday, offers Gohmert’s highly critical assessment of Mueller dating back to his conduct as an assistant United States attorney in the 1980s. He concludes as follows:

Any Republican who says anything resembling, “Bob Mueller will do a good job as Special Counsel,” “Bob Mueller has a great reputation for being fair,” or anything similar; (A) wants President Trump indicted for something and removed from office regardless of his innocence; (B) is intentionally ignorant of the myriad of outrageous problems permeating Mueller’s professional history; or (C) is cultivating future Democrat votes when he or she comes before the Senate someday for a confirmation hearing.

“You have made yourself intentionally ignorant of the terrible history and the … innocent people his guys left in his wake,” Gohmert reiterated to Boyle about Mueller’s Republican supporters. “Or, you’re a NeverTrumper, you want Trump out of the White House at all costs, and that’s why you’re lying about Mueller being fair.”

Gohmert explained how he was inspired to write his report when fellow members of Congress asked for a compilation of the years of negative articles about Mueller that he referenced. “I realized I need to put something together in one place that I can go to. And, of course, yours and my good friend Sean Hannity encouraged that,” he told Boyle.

The report begins by recounting the misdeeds of the FBI investigating the “Whitey” Bulger criminal organization in Boston. Muller was the supervising assistant AUSA at the time. “We know he had to absolutely have been aware that his FBI agents had framed four guys,” Gohmert said to Boyle.

“[I]t was part of a pattern that eventually became quite clear – that Mueller was more concerned with convicting and putting people in jail he disliked, even if they were innocent of the charges, than he was with ferreting out the truth,” Gohmert elaborates in his report.

Gohmert also criticized Mueller on his “up or out” leadership style as the director of the FBI, claiming it forced experienced agents to move to Washington, DC, and “devastated” the bureau.

The Texas congressman also slammed Mueller over the “purging” of material about “radical Islam” under his authority as FBI head. This attitude, according to Gohmert, crippled the FBI’s investigation of the Tsarnaev Brothers before their deadly jihadist attack on the Boston Marathon.

“This guy has such an ego … you disagree with him, he wants to bury you. And, that, you get a glimpse of his personality,” Gohmert concluded about Mueller on Breitbart News Saturday.

The report goes even further:

If you want answers, and you CAN handle the truth, join me in demanding those answers from “Special Counsel” Robert Mueller, along with his resignation. If he were to resign, it could well be the only truly moral, ethical, and decent action Mueller has undertaken in this entire investigation.

Read the whole report.

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