Jesus' Coming Back

Indian Pastor Found Dead After Reporting Money Missing From Bank Account

(World Watch Monitor) An elderly pastor in southern India has been found dead days after complaining to the police about a sum of money missing from his bank account.

Neighbours of Vunnam Daniel, 65, from Tenali Mandal village in the south-eastern state of Andhra Pradesh, alerted police after they heard his mobile phone constantly ringing without being answered. He was found dead on April 24.

Daniel was last seen on April 21 after meeting village heads.

Daniel’s daughter, Sarah, told World Watch Monitor that six days earlier, on April 15, her father told her he had been robbed. “He did not reveal the amount. I thought it must be some three or four thousand rupees (c. US$50-75). I consoled my father and asked him to take care of himself,” she said.

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World Watch List 2018: India from Open Doors USA on Vimeo.

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