Austrian Man Murders Prostitute, Guts Her Organs And Disposes Of The Body, When Caught He Tells Police ‘I Am A Cannibal And I Saved Her Entrails So I Could Eat Them Later’

To make matters worse, the man was released two years ago from a 32-year prison sentence for raping his ex-girlfriend and biting her nipple off:
A man arrested on suspicion of killing a woman whose torso was found floating in a lake in Austria has told police he hacked up her body and saved her entrails to eat later, police have said.
The suspect, named only as “Alfred U”, 63, was arrested on suspicion of killing a Slovakian prostitute whom he had brought home from a railway station in Vienna. A self-identified cannibal, he told police he did not intend to kill the woman, but that once she was dead, he had decided to devour her.
“I asked her to be kind to me, to kiss and caress me,” he said, according to The Daily Mail. “She refused. I grabbed her on her bosom, then she suddenly started to scream. I could not stand those cries, I had to strangle her to silence it.”
He told police that he had taken the woman – who has not yet been named by police – to his home in the Brigittenau borough of Vienna for sex prior to the killing, according to the Mail.
Alfred U said he then cut the body up with a knife and saw in his bathtub, and used his old Mercedes car to make multiple trips to his hut on Lake Neusiedl (known locally as Neusiedler See), around an hour’s drive away, to dispose of the various parts using his boat.
He had other plans for the woman’s entrails, however.
“I intended to taste it at a later date,” he said, according to local media.
He is alleged to have crushed up the entrails and stored them in a freezer.
On April 14, the woman’s torso was found in the lake by a fisherman. That led to a police investigation that Alfred U had attempted to thwart by laying down “a false track”, chief police investigator Harald Brenner said in a press conference on Wednesday.
However, detectives following police sniffer dogs were able to find traces of the woman’s DNA near his cabin by Lake Neusiedl, police said, and found the body parts in his freezer during a subsequent search of his flat.
Alfred U had already served 32 years in prison, including a 1984 jail conviction for raping his then-girlfriend and biting off one of her nipples, and attacking a man whom he saw as with an iron bar.
“I am not a bad person. I only wanted the women to love me,” he told police. “But they didn’t treat me well.”
He is currently incarcerated in the German city of Eisenstadt. (source)
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