Donald Trump Blasts ‘Fiction’ from NBC News: ‘as Bad as Fake News CNN’

President Donald Trump reacted to a major correction to an NBC News story, accusing the network of citing fictional sources.
“NBC NEWS is wrong again!” he wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. “They cite ‘sources’ which are constantly wrong. Problem is, like so many others, the sources probably don’t exist, they are fabricated, fiction!”
NBC News corrected their story after reporting Monday that federal authorities had wiretapped Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen, noting that it was actually a “pen register” log of phone lines that he contacted. Authorities were not able to listen to or record Cohen’s calls.
“NBC, my former home with the Apprentice, is now as bad as Fake News CNN,” Trump wrote. “Sad!”
The president criticized “fake news” on Monday, after NBC News cited anonymous White House sources about his Chief of Staff John Kelly.
“Fake News is going ‘bonkers!’” he wrote on Twitter.
NBC NEWS is wrong again! They cite “sources” which are constantly wrong. Problem is, like so many others, the sources probably don’t exist, they are fabricated, fiction! NBC, my former home with the Apprentice, is now as bad as Fake News CNN. Sad!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 4, 2018
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