Jesus' Coming Back

Length of Prison Sentences for Christians Seemingly ‘Increasing’ in Iran

(Mission Network News) It is common in Iran for Christians to go to prison for their faith. However, it seems that the stakes have been rising for those following Jesus.

Miles Windsor of Middle East Concern says it can be very challenging to be a Christian in Iran. “That notwithstanding, it’s a place where we see the Church growing and developing and Christians being, really, very bold with their faith in the spread of the Gospel. So there are reasons for encouragement there as well.”

Windsor shares the case of Assyrian pastor, Victor Bet Tamraz, who he says has been a target of harassment for many years now. Tamraz was arrested, along with several other Christians, including Amin Naderi Afshari, on December 26, 2014.

Originally, they were released on bail. However, Amin was rearrested two years later at a picnic along with Hadi Asgari and several others. They were then held in Evin Prison in Tehran, a prison notorious for its poor conditions. Amin was finally released on bail last July, and Hadi was likewise released this past April. However, it seems their troubles are far from over.

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