Schneiderman Accuser: He Slapped Me, Spit on Me, Called Me His ‘Brown Slave’

Of the four women accusing Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (D-NY) of sexual misconduct and physical abuse, two went on the record. One of those is Tanya Selvaratnam, who was born in Sri Lanka. The New Yorker describes her as having “dark skin” and, among other things, she alleges Schneiderman called her his “brown slave” and demanded she say out loud that she was “his property.”
“Sometimes, he’d tell me to call him Master, and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam claimed. “He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’”
Schneiderman is a 63-year-old left-wing Democrat who resigned in disgrace Monday night.
According to the New Yorker, Selvaratnam is an author and “progressive Democratic feminist” who was in a relationship with Schneiderman “from the summer of 2016 until the fall of 2017.”
“The slaps started after we’d gotten to know each other,” she told the New Yorker. “It was at first as if he were testing me. Then it got stronger and harder. It wasn’t consensual. This wasn’t sexual playacting. This was abusive, demeaning, threatening behavior.”
She further alleges that Schneiderman would “hit me until I agreed” to engage in a threesome with another woman. Something she never did.
“The abuse escalated,” the New Yorker reports. “Schneiderman not only slapped her across the face, often four or five times, back and forth, with his open hand; he also spat at her and choked her.”
“He was cutting off my ability to breathe,” she claims. Things escalated to a point where “we could rarely have sex without him beating me.”
She also says that he drank too much, took sedatives, and often forced her to drink with him. “In the middle of the night, he staggered through the apartment, as if in a trance,” is how the New Yorker describes it. “The next morning, she says, he’d seem fine, but often berated her for not having kept him away from the alcohol.”
Things only worsened after President Trump won the presidency. Selvaratnan says that he had counted on “forging an ambitious partnership with a White House led by Hillary Clinton.” On the night before Trump’s inauguration, Schneiderman was forced to cancel a public appearance. “He told me that he’d been drinking the night before he fell down. He didn’t realize he’d cut himself, and got into bed, and when he woke up he was in a pool of blood,” Selvaratnam says.
“I was scared what he might do if I left him,” she claims. “He had said he would have to kill me if we broke up, on multiple occasions. He also told me he could have me followed and could tap my phone.”
She finally ended the relationship last fall but says the after-effects of the sexual abuse lingered. Including ringing in her ears and vertigo.
Schneiderman denies any wrongdoing, including the claim that his fall was due to excessive drinking.
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