Jesus' Coming Back

Sodomites Are Furious That Schools May Be Required To Tell Parents If Their Children Join Pro-Homosexual Clubs- More Proof The LGBT Wants To Control Parents

Canadian sodomites are angry after a proposal that would require schools to disclose to parents if their children participate in pro-homosexual groups:

How much control does a parent have over the inner life of their adolescent child?

This thorny philosophical issue has come to a head in Canada, where the conservative party in Alberta has endorsed a policy that would require schools to inform parents if their children enroll in “extracurricular activities of a religious or sexual nature”.

It might sound as if they’re casting a wide net, but the policy is really laser-focused on one target: the Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) popping up at local high schools. For the uninitiated, GSAs are student-run clubs that offer a welcoming space where LGBT students and their straight friends work to make schools more inclusive. They originated around San Francisco Bay in the late 1980s, and have since spread across the continent. The membership of the United Conservative party (UCP) is effectively demanding that schools immediately report any LGBT-friendly behaviour by students to their parents.

Progressive critics have been quick to cry out that forcibly outing LGBT children is monstrous, especially given homelessness and violence disproportionately affect queer youth. The UCP’s leadership went so far as to beg its members not to adopt the policy: overt homophobia has burned Alberta conservatives before, most famously after a candidate’s outburst about homosexuals being destined for the “lake of fire”.

Supporters of the policy successfully countered that the real monstrosity is a godless public school system, trampling parents’ rights to raise their children in accordance with whatever values they see fit. The organisation Parents for Choice in Education said: “If Albertans don’t speak up for parents’ freedom, politicians will take us even further towards a ‘one size fits all’ education system, step by gradual step, collecting taxes and returning the money to parents for education only on the condition that parents raise their children in the way chosen by the state.”

Although they’ve framed that argument around the rights of parents, what’s really at stake are the rights of the child. The UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (articles 13 through 16) is pretty clear: kids have the right to freedom of thought, expression, association, and a reasonable expectation of personal privacy (so long as there’s no threat to public safety).

The family, as the alpha and omega of human society, is a thoroughly political institution: every aspect of the household, from cohabitation to the distribution of domestic labour, is a medium and method of exercising, expanding, or limiting power.

In this light, parenting itself is best understood as a kind of suzerainty. Taking 18 years or so to develop adult faculties in children requires the stewardship of their parents and, as they say, the rest of the village. Parents exercise the most total control in infancy, and gradually slacken the reins until their kids reach equal legal standing.

So it is strange to hear this argument for schoolyard surveillance from people otherwise obsessed with the idea of individual self-responsibility against statist oppression. They would save us from secularism’s sinister invitation to know thyself by imposing a tyrannical dominance over the minds and bodies of their children. One side of their mouth rages against coddled college students, shut up in “safe spaces” to escape from reality; the other side screams that children are property until the age of 18.

But autonomy is not a switch that flicks from “off” to “on” at 18. Self-possession is a muscle. It has to be trained. Comfortably navigating adolescent sexuality is an excruciating experience even for those of us with majority vanilla tastes, let alone for anyone with the audacity to be “different”. The first rule of childhood is that divergence from the norm is proportionally punished by your peers. For parents to refuse their teenage children the autonomy to safely understand and ground themselves in the world, on the teenager’s own terms, is only a hair’s breadth from abuse.

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Teach your children whatever you want at home. Teach them that God’s biggest concern about the state of the world in 2018 is that two 15-year-old boys in Red Deer might kiss. But no one is forcing teenagers into Gay-Straight Alliances: they exist because students want to support other students. There is no need or reason for a school to “out” anybody. Any child in a healthy family, regardless of their parents’ feelings about the LGBTQ+ “lifestyle”, will eventually feel free and secure enough to discuss it with them – or choose not to – on their own terms. And any parent at home seething with rage about whether their child is fraternising with the dreaded homosexual almost certainly does not deserve to know about it.

Whether or not the UCP actually runs on this platform (its leader, Jason Kenney, has suggested he might ignore any distasteful policies passed by its membership, despite campaigning on the opposite), the party is still widely expected to win the next provincial election in 2019. There is a lot more to fear from this kind of evangelicalism than “merely” an uptick in brutalised queer youth. Every political victory for minority communities, no matter how resounding or well-established, is always fragile. There is no magic threshold of social progress beyond which the troglodytes can’t drag us back, even in the self-styled utopia of Canada.

Alberta’s conservatives would do well to remember that, while fear of the Lord might be the foundation of wisdom, it’s his love that lights our life. Or at least that’s what my parents taught me. (source)

The warning is clear- the LGBT are coming to take control of your children- they admit so themselves. The reason they want more control over children is because the LGBT, being defined and driven by their insatiable and sinful lusts, want to establish a legal means by which they can molest your children and then punish the parents for trying to take action against them.

The issue here has absolutely nothing to do with “freedom” and everything to do with the unrestrained license that is homosexuality and homosexual behavior.

The Bible says that homosexuality is a sin “worthy of death” because it is a sign of grave sin in a man without a desire for amending himself. If a man will engage in the sin of homosexuality, there often is scarcely a sin that he would not be willing to engage in if he believes that sin to benefit him.

The laws and customs that govern a society do not work with homosexuals under normal circumstances for this reason, because the homosexual will attempt to use any means to force the laws and customs to serve his selfish ends.

This is why homosexuality cannot at all be permitted in society, because by its nature as a moral evil and grave philosophical deviancy it will re-create the society it enters into in its own distortion.

Jesus Christ is King

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