Jesus' Coming Back

Central American migrants aren’t seeking asylum, they’re activists challenging US sovereignty

Let’s clear up some misconceptions about the 1,500 or so Central Americans who have now arrived at our southern border.

They are not asylum seekers — they are publicity seekers. People who are truly escaping political persecution at the hands of their government — the legal standard for being recognized as a refugee or asylee — request protection in the first neutral country they enter. They do not traverse a rather large country like Mexico, trailed by television cameras, to reach the U.S. border. And if they did not trust the Mexican government to treat their asylum claims fairly, they would have sought protection from international entities, like the U.N. high commissioner for refugees.

They are not spontaneously fleeing their homelands in Central America because circumstances in those countries have taken a sudden turn for the worse. Those nations have been dysfunctional, corrupt, impoverished, and crime-ridden for as long as anyone can remember. The “caravaners” are part of an orchestrated effort on the part of a group calling itself Pueblos Sin Fronteras, “People without Borders,” to challenge the sovereignty of the United States.

As the group’s name suggests, Pueblos Sin Fronteras believes that anybody has the right to enter any nation (most especially the United States) whenever they want to and that we have a legal and moral obligation to let them in so long as they don’t show up in tanks.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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