Jesus' Coming Back

Germany Pledges To Drastically Increase Military Spending, Says That Germany Has To Take Responsibility For Her Future

German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said in a recent statement that Germany plans to significantly increase her military spending to 1.5% of her GDP by 2025, citing a need to meet “new security challenges” and alluding to pressure from the Trump administration:

Germany’s defence minister has vowed to lift military spending to 1.5 per cent of gross domestic product by 2025 — a marked increase from current levels but still short of the 2 per cent target that Nato countries are formally committed to.

Ursula von der Leyen, a party colleague and close political ally of chancellor Angela Merkel, told a military conference in Berlin: “We want to remain a reliable partner within our alliances . . . We reached a low in terms of our defence expenditure in 2015 with 1.1 per cent of GDP. Next year, in 2019, we will probably reach 1.3 per cent. And we will notify the Nato summit in Brussels that we want to reach defence expenditure of 1.5 per cent of GDP in 2025.”

The German government is under mounting pressure to raise military spending both from its allies and — increasingly — at home as well. US president Donald Trump has highlighted the gulf between Germany’s Nato spending commitments and Berlin’s actual defence budget repeatedly since taking office.

In recent months, a series of official surveys and media reports have highlighted the poor state of Germany’s Bundeswehr, sparking intense debate among politicians in Berlin over whether the country needs to spend more on its armed forces. The German military has had to absorb heavy budget cuts since the end of the cold war, leading to severe shortfalls both in terms of personnel and military equipment.

Speaking at the same conference, Ms Merkel defended the 2 per cent goal, though she failed to spell out when and how Berlin intended to reach that target. “This decision was taken by all of us [Nato members]. So now it is a question of the credibility of Germany,” the chancellor said.

The 2 per cent target, Ms Merkel added, was “no fetish” but reflected the need to meet new security challenges and make the Bundeswehr fully functional. (source, source)

This call for an increase in militarism comes when anti-American sentiment in Germany has been at its highest since possibly the Second World War. The claims? That the world has changed, and America is no longer a “friend” of Germany, and Germany has to look out for herself, as reflected in a piece recently published by the major German magazine Der Spiegel:

The most shocking realization, however, is one that affects us directly: The West as we once knew it no longer exists. Our relationship to the United States cannot currently be called a friendship and can hardly be referred to as a partnership. President Trump has adopted a tone that ignores 70 years of trust. He wants punitive tariffs and demands obedience. It is no longer a question as to whether Germany and Europe will take part in foreign military interventions in Afghanistan or Iraq. It is now about whether trans-Atlantic cooperation on economic, foreign and security policy even exists anymore. The answer: No. It is impossible to overstate what Trump has dismantled in the last 16 months. Europe has lost its protective power. It has lost its guarantor of joint values. And it has lost the global political influence that it was only able to exert because the U.S. stood by its side. And what will happen in the remaining two-and-a-half years (or six-and-a-half years) of Trump’s leadership? There is plenty of time left for further escalation (source, source)

Nationalism is rising throughout Europe, with much of that nationalism coming from Germany. Fueled by the rise of Islam and the “refugee crisis,” many Germans, especially those in the younger generations, are seeking to return to and assert a collective “German” identity in the midst of these changes.

While the idea of looking for an “identity” may sound benign, when Germany starts talking about “identity” in a collective sense it usually is an omen of disaster.

Luther used the concept of a “German God for a German people” to fuel his rebellion against the Church and promote the nationalism of various wealthy noblemen, and through which his actions permanently divided Europe and the Church and whose wounds still fester five centuries later.

The horrific Thirty Years War between Catholics and Protestants was fought primarily in German and between those Germans who asserted the universality of the Church for all people (the Catholics) versus those who associated religion with national identity (the Protestants).

The idea of “Germanness” was the basis for the Prussian Empire and her subsequent wars, depopulations, and massacres of her slavic neighbors in Eastern Europe.

In the First World War, the trigger was  German nationalism after the Germans, having backed the Bolsheviks of Russia with the Americans, used the rise of communism which they helped fund as a justification for going to war against Russia and the rest of Europe.

World War II and Hitler’s Reich was a direct product of German nationalism modeled almost the exact same pattern as the First World War, except with more death.

Germany has historically been a conglomeration of warring tribes with inclinations to paganism, nationalism, and barbarism. This is not to insult the German people, but it is a historical fact, for while many people like to speak of the Christians fighting the Muslims during the Middle Ages, a large part of the Middle ages, from the formal death of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD until the late 11th century, Christian missionaries continually worked to convert Germanic tribes and with much difficulty.

German identitarians profess and admit that historically, they share a common cultural bond with the peoples of Iran and Central Asia, including possibly the Japanese. This is evidenced by pagan practices found in Central Asia that were used and still are by Germanic pagans. It features heavily even into certain types of “heavy metal” music, which while a modern product, will often recall elements of the shamanism of Central Asia:

A short comparison here of Tuvan throat singing from Central Asia used in shamanism, a modern, neo-pagan Icelandic group, Skvalthr, singing traditional “Icelandic” music, and the Faroese singer Eivor Palsdottir, who does traditional Faroese music. Note the striking similarity between this music and “Native American” music as well.

This is a look at the paganism of the ancient Germanic peoples in the days of the Church, before, during, and for some centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire. These people were the terror of the Romans, and one can imagine what a priest or monk from a nation such as Italy, Greece, Dalmatia, Iberia, or the Middle East (there were many from Syria, Egypt, and North Africa who did missionary work in Europe), all of which were cultures with long civilizations and recorded histories, must have thought when they first encountered such peoples with a history of violence and imitating animal sounds to the pounding of drums beneath the evening sky.

The ferocity of this paganism was a consistent problem for the Church, and while many did convert peacefully, some of the pagan tribes were destroyed by forced because they were so violent and either unreasonable or unwilling to live peacefully with Christians there was no other solution to deal with them.

The Catholic Church is neither for or against people asserting their own identity. What the Church states is that because all men are created in the image and likeness of God, that to value or place one’s identity over the dignity of another man is an error. It acknowledges that people DO have ties to the place they live in, to a heritage of people who came before them, and a certain way of life, but notes that just as God is the father of all men, no man may claim that his identity supercedes the dignity of his fellow man.

The error of the identitarians is that while they recognize their identity and maybe the identity of others, their ethnic, cultural, or social identity supercedes the dignity of men. Identitarianism naturally leads to darwinism because it says that certain people are intrinsically better than others based on their creation as evidenced through their identities. It inclines towards and inevitably leads to a materialist philosophy where differences between races are not viewed as spiritualities imparted to various peoples that give them responsibilities to their brothers and charisms for their own cultures, but as naturalist divisions due to biology that can be “bred out” or “bred into” people, and therefore justifies the usage of eugenics to achieve this goal.

Germany’s struggle with identitarianism was controlled by the Catholic Faith, as it provided a healthy outlet to channel her energies and provide real good for the world. However, when the Catholic Faith was removed or diluted to a point of no efficacy, then the nationalist tendencies immediately would arise and yield their natural fruits of war, violence, and eugenics. This became evident after Protestanism, because as Protestantism is a religion which justified German nationalism, it gave a religious coating to make paganism something palatable to the Teutonic masses. As time continued and so did nationalism, the religious facade was replaced by outright nationalism with no religion and eventually eugenics, as Hitler did during his Reich. 

Without the Catholic Faith, German nationalism and its consequences has become something of a joke because once a conflict ends, there is peace with Germany but a wise observer of history remembers that it is but time until the next conflict begins. As German history notes, it is a series of crises or even “invented” crises- crises that did not happen by natural events, but were intentionally engineered to cause social disorder- to start a war.

Luther’s crisis was the decline of faith and the abuse of money by certain bishops and priests in the Church.

World War I was the manufactured rise of communism in Russia

World War II was the same rise of communism and threats of invasion as evidenced by the Reichstag Fire and the Gleiwitz incident.

The current crisis in Germany is being manufactured by the “refugee crisis.” Far from being an “invasion” as it has been often presented, Germany has been definitively shown to be one of, if not THE driving force behind the crisis as she is directly trafficking these people from Africa and the Middle East into her borders, giving them unlimited welfare benefits, and refusing to prosecute them for even the most heinous of crimes such as rape, attempted murder, and rioting.

Germany is not a “stupid” nation, and she is not allowing herself to be destroyed without a reason, and the reason is that by allowing these people to indulge in violence and yet refusing to act against them, the people will become disgusted with both the refugees and the government, seeing the refugees as animals who need to be herded, deported or shot, and the government at the current time as being ineffective and incapable of addressing the seriousness of the situation. The answer which is being proposed to the current “ineffective” government is nothing other than nationalism, which for many people is a yearning to return to the days of Hitler and von Bismarck.

In 2016, von der Leyen spoke on the future of the German army. At :30, she alludes to Germany taking her place in the “world order” and that her “rules” would be “respected.” At 1:05, she speaks of the the “diversification” of the German army and says that the “migrants” – the “refugees”- would play an important part in this.

This rebuilding of the Bundeswehr comes when German corporate and industrial interests are expanding into East Africa, with the help of Japan, and are working with Turkey to expand oil pipelines as well as the construction of a massive railway going to Central Asia and the Far East.

These are not “humanitarian projects”- they are the preparations for a massive war with a group of allies- Germany, Turkey, and Japan- against their historical enemy of Russia and her allies.

Germany is being destroyed, and it is intentional in order that the destruction caused would be able to leverage her people into nationalism. Could she, possibly, be completely destroyed by the same people she brought in to use for here benefit? It is certainly possible, but that is a risk she is willing to take because she is so obsessed with her identity that to her, the risk of suicide is a risk worth taking if it means worldly power and wealth.

There is a reason why Germany’s national anthem is “Deutschland über Alles”- and as the song says:

Deutschland, Deutschland, über alles,

über alles in der Welt

Germany, Germany, over all,

over all in the world

Nothing has philosophically changed since ancient times regarding Germany. The difference, excluding those of material differences, is that as the Catholic Faith has gradually been removed from Germany, she has fewer to no barriers to her actions, and such unrestrained and unbridled ethnic pride leads inevitably where it always does, to war, death, and eugenics.

And on a final note, don’t think that America is innocent, because she is directly complicit. The USA as a part of Operation Gladio has been supporting national socialism all throughout Europe, and especially in Germany.

The “tough talk” of Germany is just that. The reality, is that Germany and the USA are close friends and will remain because they both have a common enemy in Russia. It was the reason the USA built the Turkish military, and as Turkey is an ally of Germany too, so will the same scenario of World War II repeat again, this time with deadlier weapons and with America on the side of the Axis.

Just as it was in the past, so will it be again.

Jesus Christ is King

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