Jesus' Coming Back

Less Than Half of Irish Voters Support Repealing Eighth Amendment in Upcoming Referendum

Less Than Half of Irish Voters Support Repealing Eighth Amendment in Upcoming Referendum

Don’t believe everything you read. Many pro-abortion advocates gleefully point to the recent Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll as “proof” the May 25th referendum will reject the protection of human life from conception and adopt abortion. Only 47 percent of the sampling rate are in favour, meaning just over half the population remains undecided or against the change in legislation.

If an upcoming vote sacrificing the unborn was already a given, would “big gun” pop stars and Irish showbiz elite — the likes of actor Liam Neeson and rock band U-2 — be weighing in at the last minute to support a repeal? This was tried…and failed…before. Back in 2015, 250 artists also unsuccessfully called for a repeal. Upping their game, hundreds of thousands of pounds from outside the nation have been poured into forcing abortion on the Irish this time by George Soros, Amnesty International and International Planned Parenthood Federation alone. And now, most recently, although those supporting Life have repeatedly been denied internet platforms, the persecution continues: Google and Twitter are refusing to place ads on either side of the debate. Facebook is a hold-out so far, stating it will only reject foreign ads. We already knew – witness Facebook’s recent hearings in Washington, D.C. – these services routinely discriminate against the pro-life movement.

This referendum would open a Pandora’s box allowing even late-term abortionmany Irish do not understand they could be endorsing abortion almost on demand. “Save the 8th” points out the proposed 12 weeks could actually extend as far as sacrificing babies up to six months on alleged health grounds. “In Britain 98% of all abortions are carried out on health grounds. And it also seeks to allow abortion until birth where the baby has a severe disability.” –

Human Life International Ireland held a “National Day of Reparation & Repentance” on May 13th. HLI advocates for the dignity of human life from conception until natural death and remains the world’s largest, international, pro-life organization, in full communion with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. HLI Ireland Executive Director, Patrick McCrystal, explains the premise:

“The Irish have been here before many times in our history, fighting an alien, hostile, Godless power. In asking for an outpouring of grace from Heaven, we fall on God’s mercy and categorically state that this is a spiritual battle of epic proportions but God’s army is at full battle stations, fiercely fighting the grotesque ‘death proposal’ put before them.”

“Christ, who told us, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life,” is being invoked like never before by ordinary citizens throughout the Island of Ireland and around the world. Remember this: it is impossible to silence the Truth. And abortion campaigners know it.”

HLI Ireland hereby invites people to take up spiritual arms and join us at one of our seven “Centres of Prayer” across the country on Sunday May 13th. Venues are as widespread as Limerick & Donegal, Dublin & Knock. Details are already on our website: Those who cannot join us at one of our venues, please join with us in prayer from home.

Archbishop Eamon Martin, Primate of All Ireland, has assured us of his prayers from Lourdes, where he will be on pilgrimage.

HLI President, Father Shenan J. Boquet, wrote recently: “Pro-abortion forces shouldn’t underestimate the depth and strength of Ireland’s spiritual roots. The Catholic faith is in Ireland’s blood. The spirit of St. Patrick ever haunts that island. Irish right to life campaigners must rely heavily on prayer and fasting, and work to remind their fellow countrymen that what St. Patrick brought to Ireland is precisely what has made their country great.”

This is a pivotal moment in Irish history, some would say in global history. For now, Ireland stands as one of the last pro-life nations on the planet. Let it remain so, for the world watches as this great battle reaches its climax on May 25th.

“It is vitally important that God is brought right back into the center of life in Ireland today, and that He is given the Honour that He deserves. Nineveh repented and fasted – and disaster was averted.  We know that God will “save his anointed. He will answer from his holy heaven with the saving might of his right hand”. (Ps 20:6)

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Publication date: May 14, 2018

Jesus Christ is King

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