Jesus' Coming Back

Miracle Girl Thought to Be 99.8 Percent Brain Dead After Car Accident Takes First Steps Unassisted

GOLD COAST — An Australian”miracle girl” who was stated to be 99.8 percent brain dead recently defied the odds and happily took her first steps without assistance.

Mackinlee Anderson, 6, had been involved in a multiple vehicle accident in New South Wales last September, which took the life of her grandmother and injured her mother and brother.

Anderson suffered numerous serious injuries, including a broken pelvis, a ruptured bladder, a dislocated hip, a broken femur, and most significantly, severe brain trauma. The neurosurgeon concluded that the girl was 99.8 percent brain dead.

Doctors feared she wouldn’t make it, and said that if she did, she likely would never walk, talk or eat again.

“We were pretty much in a place there where the doctors thought there was no hope for her,” her mother Kylee told Australia’s 9 News.

Anderson underwent a 13-hour operation, and days after having her life support removed to test her breathing, she opened her eyes and began blinking. She soon began to communicate with a thumbs up or thumbs down, and days after that—a month after the accident—Anderson began to speak, saying the word “Mom.”

She remained hospitalized for five months, and was then sent home to continue her recovery.

Last week, Anderson began walking by herself. A video recorded by her mother shows the girl counting down and then taking off down the hallway declaring, “Walking is the best! Walking is great!” Her therapist follows behind, smiling.

“It is amazing. We are still just in shock,” Kylee stated. ““Mackinlee amazes me every day with her determination. Every day the doctors say she can’t do something and the next day she can do it.”

“And she walks everywhere now—around the house, everywhere. You just can’t keep her still,” she said. “They told me that she wouldn’t be the same little girl. Well, she is the same little girl she was before the accident.”

A Go Fund Me page that was set up to help cover Anderson’s medical costs notes that the girl had a lot of support and prayer.

“I would like to thank everyone for the love and support that has been coming in for us,” it reads in part. “Thank you to my Mummy and Daddy and all my big brothers. Riley thank you for not leaving my side and being with me through every assessment and pushing me to use my legs and arms and keeping me company throughout my hospital stay.”

“A big thank you to my cousin Madi and her church who have been praying for me and thinking of me since the beginning of my journey to recovery.”

Isaiah 40:31 reads, “[T]hey that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint.”

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