Jesus' Coming Back

Countless Bengali Muslim Women Come To Saudi Arabia To Work, Muslims Torture And Sexually Abuse Them And Then Their Families Reject Them When They Want To Go Home

Nobody likes Saudi Arabia, including many Muslims.

Known for their torture and abuse of Christians, their wrath also goes against fellow Muslims who come as immigrant workers. Rape, torture, and even murder are common as has been experienced by Muslim women from Bangladesh, who when they try to flee are rejected by their families back home and find themselves homeless:

She confronted another difficulty at home when her father refused to accept her in the family. Her husband had already left her and even her children are barred from meeting her.

Salma at present is residing in a shelter run by BRAC, a nongovernmental organisation that works on safe migration.

Salma gave a dismal account of the torture by her employer in Saudi Arabia to saying the employer never listened to the plea to leave her at the Bangladesh Embassy. On the contrary, it only made matters worse.

Many others like Salma went to work as a house-help in Saudi Arabia over the last few years but had to return home being tortured; some of them even complained of being raped.

“They never gave me enough food and always beat me. He (the employer) used to say bad things to me. He beat me as I didn’t listen to his indecent proposal,” Salma told while describing her ordeal.

“One day he asked me to make coffee. He followed me when I went to do that. I tried to avoid him but he said indecent things to me and pushed me down on the floor. I had a match-stick with me and I set fire to his attire.”

Salma said she fled from that household immediately and found other Bangladeshis on the street whom she shared her urge to return home.

“Those Bangladeshis told me I should go to Bangladesh Embassy in Saudi Arabia; I found other women with broken arms or legs over there. Some of the women were burnt with hot iron as part of the torture,” said Salma.

Salma’s father Shamsu Miah told that she went to Saudi Arabia even after he forbade her and also never contacted her family, when asked why he was not accepting Salma.

However, migrant officers in BRAC said Shamsu Miah was never reluctant to take Salma back home when they informed him of her arrival.

Shamsu Miah said he will try when asked if he is going to accept his daughter back in the family.

They have been rejected many times while trying to return house-helps to their families, said Shariful Hassan, head of Migration Programme at BRAC who has worked with migrate workers of Bangladesh for long.

“Our society is not prepared to accept the women who returned from the Middle East, being tortured or even sexually abused; they treat them as outcast as if the flaw is within those women,” he said explaining the reasons behind the unwelcoming attitude towards returned house-helps.

“I called up the husband of a repatriated girl who said, ‘my wife has died.’ His wife was sick and needed treatment, but to him she was dead,” said Shariful.

There is no statistics on tortured women returning from the Middle East who never got accepted back in the family.

“We have seen in almost all cases that the family refuses to accept a woman who returned from Saudi Arabia; in few cases we persuaded the families but in reality, the women still remain to be outcasts,” said Shariful.

The BRAC officer could not provide a specific number of tortured women house-helps returning home.

On average, 200 women return every month. At least 800 women returned home over the last four months. BRAC wrote to the Bangladesh Embassy and the Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment Ministry over last few months to bring back 118 women and succeeded to bring back 80 of them.

He added a number of women house-helps come back under private initiatives. At least 1,000 women who have suffered sexual violence or other forms of torture returned home in last two years.

The Saudi Arabia National Recruitment Committee signed a memorandum of understanding with Bangladesh Association of International Recruitment Agencies or BAIRA to recruit house-helps from Bangladesh in April 2011.

However, no women house-helps went to the kingdom despite signing of the MoU as interview of 150 house-helps from Indonesia, Philippines and Sri Lanka working in Saudi Arabia published in a report by Human Rights Watch in 2010 revealed ‘physical and mental torture’ on them.

Saudi Arabia again signed a treaty with Bangladesh to recruit women house-help in 2015. The treaty included a clause that three male workers will be recruited against one female house-help. Bangladesh began to send women house-helps following it.

At least 83,354 women workers were sent to Saudi Arabia last year, said Shariful.

This year 30,000 women went to Saudi Arabia as of April. Almost 175,000 women house-helps went to Saudi Arabia over the last four years.

However, government officials in the country have been rejecting the claims of repatriated women workers from Saudi Arabia.

Followed by a visit to Saudi Arabia, members of a parliamentary committee said lack of knowledge in local language, dislikes for Saudi food and homesickness cause the women to return home. (source)

Saudi Arabia has been working aggressively to re-make its image in the Muslim world. They want to become an “entertainment” destination.

The reality is, it’s not going to work.

Saudi Arabia is a nation that has nothing to offer except for oil, of which pretty much all is sold through ARAMCO- the Arab American Oil Company.

You can guess which country has a major stake in that country, and the reason is obvious- it’s the same reason why a pothead grows his own weed. The pothead needs a “hit” to keep himself going, so he grows his own to control the means of production and regulate himself. America controls the oil industry to give her economy the “hit” it needs to fuel her imperial machine.

Other than that, Saudi Arabia has some dates, camels, and palm product. Date, camels, and palms are nice, but they are not something to run an economy on.

The average “Mohammed” in Saudi Arabia is very poor. This excludes the rulers, who due to the oil in their country have become exceedingly wealthy and in turn used their wealth to indulge in all the sins which Islam forbids, and to do so openly all the while forcing on the general public the strict adherence to even the most minor of Islamic principles at the point of death.

The people in Saudi Arabia are sick of their rulers. But if there are people who are even more sick of the Saudis, it is her historical enemies of Turkey and Iran, who are working together against Saudi.

Saudi Arabia’s goose is cooked. She is trying to reform her image, but it is failing because she has nothing to offer. She does not have an economy outside of oil, and said oil is directly tied to the waistband of the American and by extension, the British. She needs them more than they need her.

Turkey and Iran, by comparison, are both industrially-inclined nations with a long history of imperialism. This is especially the case with Turkey, who owing to American and European, particularly German, assistance, has been able to become an extremely powerful nation once again. If Erdogan stays true to his words, and there is no reason that he will not, he will revive the Ottoman empire and with it he will offer the Muslim world a new hope of leadership as well as a chance to “right” the wrongs done by the Saudis to the world image of Islam.

Turkey will present an image of Islam that will be conservative but “refined,” strict but “liberal” in allowing for different groups to have their “space,” and and Islam that still demands blind faith’s obedience but covered by a level of erudition and scholarship that the Saudi’s could never match.

Turkey has the potential to become, once again, the great menace to the world in more ways than one that she historically was.

Saudi Arabia’s time runs short. Her crimes against the world are well known, and even fellow Muslims hate her, and her “usefulness” that has allowed her to act as she has is running out.

Beware, Saudi, for the wrath of the Turk is once again to come. The Bell tolls, and it tolls for her.

Jesus Christ is King

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