Jesus' Coming Back

Pakistani Man Sentenced for Rape of 7-Year-Old Christian Girl

(World Watch Monitor) A Pakistani court has sentenced a young man who raped a seven-year-old Christian girl four years ago to 14 years in prison and a fine of 200,000 Pakistani rupees (c.US $2,000).

The verdict has been greeted by activists as one of the few examples where prosecutions on behalf of Christians are finally seen through to a conclusion in court.

Judge Chaudhry Zulfiqar Ali announced the verdict on May 2 in the presence of the man, Fakhr-e-Alam, alias Phool, who was immediately sent to Sialkot District Jail.

Alam was around 17 years old at the time of the crime. The court awarded punishment after the police investigation report and the medical examination corroborated evidence produced by the prosecution.

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World Watch List 2018: Pakistan from Open Doors USA on Vimeo.

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