NASA Chief Bridenstine Warns China Pulling Ahead of U.S. in Some Areas of Space Race

Sunday on AM 970’s “The Cats Roundtable” hosted by John Catsimatidis, newly appointed NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said China was pulling ahead of the United States in some aspects of ‘space race.’
When asked about China, Bridenstine said, “They have been focused on the moon, and they have been focused on other aspects of space that maybe we have not been focused on.… They’ve got a lander on the moon now with a rover. This year they’re planning to land for the first time in history on the far side of the moon with a robot.”
He added, “They are certainly doing things, maybe a little differently than us. I wouldn’t say they are ahead of us, maybe they’re ahead of us in some areas, and we are ahead of them in other areas. But they have a very methodical, planned out plan to do space exploration in a major way. And this president wants to see the United States of America lead again in space.”
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