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Exclusive — Dennis Miller: The Hollywood ‘Resistance’ Has Already Re-Elected Donald Trump

Veteran Hollywood actor and stand up comedian Dennis Miller joined SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Friday’s edition of Breitbart News Daily to declare that the personal attacks on President Donald Trump from Hollywood elites like late-night host Samantha Bee will soon ensure he wins re-election in 2020.

Miller made it clear early and often that he “couldn’t care less about Samantha Bee,” who lost two-thirds of her national advertisers a week after calling President Trump’s daughter a “feckless cunt” on her TBS show.

“I don’t care about her apology,” Miller explained. “As soon as she said it, I thought, ‘She’ll catch some heat from that, be honored by some women’s organization. She’ll keep that job.’ I just can’t stew in it.”

The Saturday Night Live alum views Bee and her Hollywood leftist counterparts’ constant attacks on the president as the main motivation for voters, who will likely look to reward Trump for his policy achievements in 2020.

“‘Going green’ had fallen away due to the number that weren’t quite working. It just became tired. Everybody had ‘gone green.’ They were looking for the next thing, and a Never Trumper is the new ‘I’ve Gone Green’ movement,” Miller said of Hollywood leftists and left-wing activists.

“I sit back and delight in it because, I’m telling you, the people at large are going to give them all these small victories,” Miller said of the voters who will tune out leftist elites. But if he denuclearizes the North Korea Peninsula, if this economy keeps raging like this … if he keeps doing this — defusing that whole ‘we’re the intelligence, and you’re the slobs thing — he’s going to leave office in four or eight years — I think, eight — because of what they’re doing,” Miller said of the left and their resistance to Trump.

“You cannot wake up every day with good things on the horizon and then say he’s Adolf Hitler,” Miller continued. People are going to nod. But I’m telling you, as three years hence, as they go to vote  — he’s getting re-elected because of all this crap.”

Miller’s bi-weekly pop culture and politics podcast, The Dennis Miller Option, is available on and iTunes.

Miller will perform next at The Wellmont Theater in Montclair, New Jersey, on Saturday, June 16, in advance of the taping of his stand-up special at the Bijou Theatre in Knoxville, Tennessee, scheduled for Saturday, June 23.

Breitbart News Daily broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Eastern.

Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter: @JeromeEHudson.

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