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Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Appear to Show Employees Ignoring Rape and Abuse

Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Appear to Show Employees Ignoring Rape and Abuse

Two new undercover videos seem to show Planned Parenthood employees at clinics ignoring claims of statutory rape and advising pimps on how to get an unreported abortion for underage prostitutes.

In two new videos from Live Action, “Aiding Abusers: Planned Parenthood’s Cover-Up of Child Sex Abuse,” the pro-life group shows undercover investigators talking with clinic employees.

Live Action claims that its undercover sex trafficking investigation found eight different Planned Parenthood employees at seven different facilities in different states “showed a willingness to aid and abet sex traffickers.”

“Rather than reporting suspected abuse to authorities, Planned Parenthood has repeatedly looked the other way,” Live Action President Lila Rose said in a statement. “Because of Planned Parenthood’s atrocious record of returning victims to their abusers to suffer yet more abuse, Live Action has worked for a decade to expose the systemic abuse cover-up.”

Planned Parenthood officials have not responded to the investigations.

In the video investigation of sex trafficking, undercover investigators posed as pimps and prostitutes to ask employees how they could get an abortion for underage girls.

Undercover investigators said they were involved in “sex work” and worked with young girls about 14 to 15 years old.

However, in one instance, a clinic worker tells the pimp that there is a bit of “play room” for rules dealing with minors.

“So as long they just lie and say, ‘Oh, she’s 15, 16.’ You know, as long as they don’t say 14 and as long as it’s not too much of an age gap then we just kind of like, then we just kind of like play it,” the clinic worker is seen saying in the video.

In the video investigation of statutory rape, a clinic worker advises a 13-year-old undercover investigator who tells the worker that her boyfriend was 31.

The employee tells the girl she doesn’t want to know the age because she would then have to report the case as rape and sexual abuse.

She told the girl to say her boyfriend was 14.

In an Arizona clinic, the investigation found workers giving similar advice.

“You don’t have to say anything,” the clinic worker says. “It’s your choice, it is your private life. I mean as long as you are not being forced to have sex.”

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Publication date: June 8, 2018

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