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Poll: Trump Beats Obama’s Approval, GOP Voters More Eager than Dems for Midterms

Predictions of a Blue Wave in the upcoming midterm elections fueled by opposition to President Donald Trump may not be considering the president’s popularity with his base and the enthusiasm of Republican voters, according to a new poll by Rasmussen Reports.

On June 7, 2018, Trump had a 49 percent approval rating compared to Barack Obama, who had a 46 percent approval rating on June 7, 2010.

The poll also found GOP voters more enthusiastic than Democrats and independents about casting a vote in November and found voters overall more enthusiastic about getting to the ballot box than in the last midterm.

Rasmussen reported:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 70% of Likely Republican Voters say they are more likely to vote this year than they have been in past election years. That compares to 64% of Democrats and 51% of voters not affiliated with either major political party.

Among all Likely Voters, 62 percent say they are more likely to vote this year. Only six percent say they are less likely to do so, while 30% say they are just as likely to vote this November as in any other year.

By comparison, in July 2014, 57% said they were more likely to vote that November compared to past elections. Enthusiasm was higher two years ago during the presidential campaign, with 67% who said they were more likely to vote.

The poll also found Trump supporters more likely to vote than those who oppose the president and his policies.

Some 73% of voters who strongly approve of Trump’s job performance are more likely to vote, with 65% of voters who strongly disapprove of the job the president is doing likely tovote.

When it comes to shaping the national political narrative, voters now believe that President Trump sets the agenda inside the Beltway, with the national media coming in at a distant second.

The survey was taken of 1,000 likely voters on June 5-6, 2018. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.

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