Controversial Video Features TV Host Talking to Children About ‘Gay Pride’: ‘It’s the Celebration of Sexual Diversity’

A video recorded for “Pride Month” is raising concern as it features a Canadian television host talking to young children about “gay pride” and explaining to the boys and girls that she herself questioned her sexuality as a child in liking a female actress, who she watched nude in a film “several times.”
The video, which has been viewed over 2 million times over the past two weeks and shared by 25K, was posted by CBC Life, and features MTV, CTV and CW host Jessi Cruickshank.
“Happy pride everybody!” she exclaims to the children, waving a rainbow flag. “Who here knows what gay pride means?”
“It means where all the gay people, lesbian, transgender, bisexual people gather up and celebrate,” one little girl responds.
“That’s absolutely right. It’s a celebration of sexual diversity,” Cruickshank states, the room decorated with balloons that include rainbows and kid-friendly smilies.
She then tells the children that while she is not homosexual herself, she considers herself an ally.
“Are you gay allies?” Cruickshank asks.
“Definitely,” one girl replies, and the others also answer in the affirmative.
Cruickshank next inquires of the children what it means to “come out of the closet.” One girl innocently responds that it is when people are playing hide and go seek, and one is discovered hiding in the closet, so they have to come out after being found.
The same girl, being asked if she thinks it would be “cool” to have two mothers, says that she likes the idea because the house would be full of girls and not boys, and she wouldn’t have to flush the toilet for them.
“So many advantages,” Cruickshank remarks.
“What would it be like to have two dads?” she then asks the children.
“It would be crazy. It depends on what their personality is,” one boy states, remarking that if the man is a “party animal,” it would “obviously be crazy.”
As Cruickshank talks with the children about homosexual celebrities, she then reveals that she had feelings for actress Jodie Foster when she was young.
“[S]he made me question my sexuality when I was a child because I liked her so much,” she tells the girls and boys. “And she was nude in the film ‘Nell,’ not that I remember watching it several times as a child.”
One girl freezes in being told the information, remarking, “Wow.”
In jesting with the children at the end of the video, Cruickshank states, “I mean, everybody should aspire to grow up and be a gay icon.”
The video has generated mixed response, including from those who are disgusted that such things were said to young children.
“This is not appropriate to be talking about. … Talking about how Jodi Foster was nude in the film ‘Nell’ and how you watched her several times as a child because of that is downright creepy. Do you not see that?” one mother asked. “Let’s change the scenario: it’s a table with a macho man with little girls sitting around who are 6 and 7 years old. He tells the little girls how he would watch nude women on film because he was so sexually attracted to them. I think we would all find that inappropriate, right?”
“This is disgusting. Children should not be having a conversation about sexuality of any kind. Nor should they be having conversations about LGBT. Especially with sick adults that use them as pawns!” another commenter stated.
“This is horrific! Brainwashing children’s innocent easily coerced minds … who never had a chance to research the morality and danger in such a lifestyle! The Bible is very clear about misleading children and where these people/promoters will spend eternity. So sad,” a third remarked.
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