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Hezbollah to be outlawed in Britain

Hezbollah to be outlawed in Britain

LEBANON’S HEZBOLLAH supporters hold photographs of leader Hassan Nasrallah during his address via a video screen in Beirut last September. . (photo credit: KHALIL HARAN / REUTERS)

The United Kingdom Home Secretary Sajid Javid plans to outlaw all of the Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah in Britain later in 2018, according to a report in the London-based Jewish Chronicle on Tuesday.

According to the The Jewish Chronicle article, Javid pleded to take “decisive action” against against the Iranian-regime sponsored Hezbollah organization. The paper cited a senior Conservative Party source for the full-blown proscription of the Lebanese Shi’ite entity.

The Jewish Chronicle said Javid made his decision to crackdown on Hezbollah “ahead of last weekend’s Quds Day march in London, where Hezbollah flags were once again flown.”

“Sajid is a very different beast to the Home Secretary he has just replaced,” said a Tory source to The Jewish Chronicle. The source added: “Amber Rudd spoke repeatedly about taking action over Hezbollah – but for whatever reason was not able to get around to doing anything.Sajid has vowed to take decisive action on the matter. He will make this very clear over the forthcoming weeks.”

The United Kingdom merely banned Hezbollah’s so-called military wing in 2008 because Hezbollah attacked British troops in Iraq. The only European country to have imposed a full ban on Hezbollah is the Netherlands.

The UK’s Home Office can classify organizations as terrorist entities. The European Union only included Hezbollah’s military wing in its terrorist organization list in 2013. The EU designation of Hezbollah in 2013 came on the heels of the Lebanese Jihadist terrorism attack on an Israeli tourist bus in Burgas, Bulgaria. Three Hezbollah operatives blew up an Israeli bus, killing 5 Israelis and their Bulgarian Muslim bus driver. An additional 32 Israelis were injured.

If the United Kingdom designates all of Hezbollah’s organization as a terrorist entity, England will join the US, Canada, the Netherlands, and the Arab League countries who have previously proscribed Hezbollah as a terrorism group. Germany has been the most resistant European country to banning Hezbollah. According to German intelligence, there are 950 active Hezbollah operatives in Germany who raise funds and recruit new members.

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