Jesus' Coming Back

SBC Meeting Attendees Asked To Stand For Pledge Of Allegiance To Mike Pence

DALLAS, TX—As Vice President Mike Pence prepared to take the stage at the Southern Baptist Convention’s Annual Meeting this morning, conference attendees were reportedly asked to stand in order to pledge him their allegiance.

“As a way to honor our special guest, let us all stand, place our hands over our hearts, and pledge allegiance to Vice President Mike Pence,” outgoing SBC President Steve Gaines said, gesturing for Pence to come onto the stage for the pledge. “Please repeat after me: I pledge allegiance to Mike Pence, and to the Republican Party for which he stands, one political party, under God, totally infallible, with corporate welfare and gun rights for all.”

Those gathered were then asked to remain standing for the national anthem, a moment of silence honoring veterans of the military, an F-22 Raptor flyover, and a 21 AR-15 salute before the event could continue with a time of worshiping God.

Jesus Christ is King

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