Schumer: Actions Reviewed in IG Report ‘Helped Donald Trump Win the Election’
During a press conference on Thursday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said the actions reviewed by the DOJ’s IG report helped President Trump win the 2016 election.
Schumer stated, “Did Director Comey, the FBI, and DOJ handle the public aspects of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email correctly? Of course not. We Democrats said that then. The inspector general makes it clear now. But Director Comey’s mishandling of the publicity around the Clinton email campaign all accrued to the benefit of then-candidate Trump, not the other way around. It was Trump who benefitted from all these mistakes. So, it hardly reflects deep state or bias against him.”
He added, “Donald Trump won that election, so the complaints about the FBI and Jim Comey and all the rest don’t lead anywhere. At the end of the day, the actions reviewed in this report helped Donald Trump win the election, not the other way around.”
(h/t Grabien)
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