NYT’s Board Says Migrants Should Get Free Gov’t Lawyers at the Border

Voters should insist that Congress provide taxpayer-funded lawyers to all child-migrants who arrive at the border without parents, says the New York Times‘ editorial board.
The child-migrant should get free lawyers to ensure that 75 percent of them win a green card, says the board. Without lawyers, youths seeking asylum win roughly 15 percent of their cases. According to the editorial:
The Trump administration has the opportunity to do the right thing here. If you want to help sway it to do so, here are some concrete steps to take… The proposed Fair Day in Court for Kids Act would require the government to appoint counsel to unaccompanied children, and it’s important to ask Congress to support its passage.
The “Fair Day in Court for Kids Act” was drafted by Hawaii’s Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono and is backed by 14 other Democratic Senators.
The NYT board does not say how many ambitious parents in South America, Africa, and Asia will present their children at the southern border to request taxpayer-provided lawyers for their children, including teenagers. If the children use the lawyers to win residency or asylum, they can also get green cards for their parents and siblings via chain-migration laws.
The call for taxpayer-funded migration is part of an editorial slamming President Donald Trump’s new policy of sheltering children while their illegal-migrant parents are prosecuted for crossing the border illegally. The NYT‘s editorial board is appalled at Trump’s anti-migration policy — or “obsession with undocumented immigrants” — and it declares:
It may be hard to believe that this is happening in the United States in 2018, that hundreds of children are being snatched from their parents, frequently under false pretenses, often screaming, and placed in vast warehouselike centers like the former Walmart in Brownsville, Tex., where nearly 1,500 boys now spend their days …
The heartlessness of that is mind-boggling. It seems to elude the administration and its cheerleaders that this is not about crime or security, but about the most elemental human values; that ordering armed border guards to cruelly and needlessly rip children from mothers — in one case, while she was breast-feeding the child — goes against fundamental American values and undercuts its standing in the world.
The demand for taxpayer-funded asylum comes amid progressives’ synchronized claims of horror at Trump’s border policy.
In numerous articles, speeches, Tweets and TV shows, upper-income progressives have tried to shame Americans by suggesting that Trump, his aides, and his agency officials are inhuman, kidnappers, racists, monsters, Nazis, etc.
.@SenBobCorker @SenAlexander -if you have any humanity, join the bill. https://t.co/VTmuIxG8lL
— elissa taub (@ejtaub) June 15, 2018
As if they haven’t sunk low enoug, the GOP is now going to try to use a bunch of functionally kidnapped children as literal hostages for garbage immigration policy and more crackdowns. It’s monstrous.
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) June 14, 2018
The NYT‘s board does not feel the need to mention the economic and civic concerns of blue-collar Americans, few of whom wish to see cheap migrant-labor force down their wages, or to see their peaceful neighborhoods and schools made vibrant by migrant youths’ diverse traditions of gang violence, such as MS-13.
Few MS-13 gang members land spots in the elite private or public schools in New York.
The border loopholes which Trump is trying to shut have already delivered at least 400,000 cheap workers into Americans’ job markets, many of whom will work long hours in tough conditions to pay off the debts they owe to the cartels for crossing through their border territory.
Many of those migrants work for companies that provide cheap services to upper-income Americans such as editorial writers in New York. According to a February 2017 report by the Washington Post:
“In major cities, you’re talking about a restaurant workforce that is maybe 75 percent foreign-born, and maybe 30 to 40 percent undocumented,” said Saru Jayaraman, a labor activist and the founder of the worker group Restaurant Opportunities Center United. “The restaurant industry in major cities would absolutely collapse without immigrants.”
In New York, for example, the huge labor force of illegals has successfully kept food-industry wages extremely low, according to 2017 state data, despite the high cost of living in the city:
Around the nation, Republicans and Democrats have worked hard to protect their districts’ supply of cheap labor, often by trying to exclude federal enforcement agencies. In April 2018, for example, Oakland’s Democratic Mayor Libby Schaaf warned local illegal aliens — and many local food-industry businesses — that ICE was planning to arrest many criminal illegal aliens. Officials later said Schaaf’s warning helped block the repatriation of many criminal illegal aliens with sex crime convictions, drunk driving convictions, and armed robbery convictions.
Democratic and GOP leaders have repeatedly rejected Trump’s immigration reforms in 2018. Those reforms would push up wages and salaries by trimming immigration numbers and by closing many of the border loopholes which have raised the labor supply in the United States. In fact, many Democratic politicians are trying to widen the loopholes and to import more cheap labor amid the dramatic rise in wealth inequality in California and nationwide.
Amnesty advocates rely on business-funded “Nation of Immigrants” push-polls to show apparent voter support for immigration and migrants.
But “choice” polls reveal most voters’ often-ignored preference that CEOs should hire Americans at decent wages before hiring migrants. Those Americans include many blue-collar Blacks, Latinos, and people who hide their opinions from pollsters. Similarly, the 2018 polls show that GOP voters are far more concerned about migration — more properly, the economics of migration — than they are concerned about illegal migration and MS-13, taxes, or the return of Rep. Nancy Pelosi.
Four million Americans turn 18 each year and begin looking for good jobs in the free market — but the government provides green cards to roughly 1 million legal immigrants and temporary work-permits to roughly 3 million foreign workers.
The Washington-imposed economic policy of economic growth via mass-immigration shifts wealth from young people towards older people by flooding the market with foreign labor. That process spikes profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for manual and skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees. The policy also drives up real estate prices, widens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and sidelines at least 5 million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with opioid addictions.
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