Jesus' Coming Back

Vital Information On DACA Recipients Missing From Government Database

We were told that it would be better if illegal immigrants were drawn out of the shadows and documented. Therefore, an American president illegally amnestied many without the consent of the people’s representatives, something that even King George couldn’t do without parliament. Yet one look at new government data provided to Rep. Steve King and shared exclusively with Conservative Review shows that, six years into the illegal amnesty, we still know very little about the amnestied population. What we do know paints a disturbing picture of our government placing the desire for legalization at all costs ahead of its own stated criteria and public safety.

Illegal foreign nationals mean everything to our current political class. It is on their account that we have broken all legal norms and uprooted 200 years of legal precedent on sovereignty and control of immigration. It is on their account that the politicians refuse to confront the MS-13 and drug crisis caused by the border crisis. It is on their account that the border wall is being delayed, and therefore there is yet another surge of illegal immigration. They have the weight of every political, cultural, and even religious institution behind their cause. They are politically unassailable and unstoppable. Their dreams come before American dreams and their desires hold hostage any effort to secure our border. But who are they?

When any American applies for a major government-recognized status, such as TSA pre-screening or a specialty gun license, you better believe the government will find out everything about you, securely document it, and not tolerate any obfuscations or inaccuracies in information provided. Wouldn’t we expect that if foreign nationals who are in the country illegally are now seeking legal status, we would make sure to document everything about them, verify the accuracy of their identity, and absolutely deny status to anyone who didn’t fit the criteria, especially when the entire purpose was to “bring them out of the shadows?”

Evidently not, according to USCIS data delivered to Rep. Steve King answering his January request for answers to 10 specific questions and data points about the DACA population. King originally requested from USCIS the breakdown of how many DACA recipients truly met the eligibility criteria based on educational requirements, continuous residence, criminal record, and age. While the results themselves were both startling and incomplete, they revealed another problem: The agency seemed to be rushed and carless in storing the data and even in verifying the accuracy of DACA recipients’ identity.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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Jesus Christ is King

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