Mark Meadows Throws Down on Paul Ryan in Heated Immigration House Floor Exchange: ‘I’m Done’

House Freedom Caucus chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) lambasted House Speaker Paul Ryan in a heated exchange over immigration on Wednesday on the floor of the House of Representatives, captured partially on C-SPAN but in view of the whole House and onlookers from the gallery above.
Mark Meadows and Paul Ryan are in a very heated discussion in the middle of the house floor.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) June 20, 2018
Meadows is furious. Just walked over to his members — the freedom caucus — and signaled that he was done.
I’m not sure what they’re pissed about — ask @MEPFuller — but I would expect fireworks tomorrow.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) June 20, 2018
Now Meadows and Goodlatte are chatting. Meadows seems furious. He’s coming back to talk to Ryan with some people in tow
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) June 20, 2018
Meadows and Ryan both had their fingers in each other’s faces, and Meadows repeatedly reportedly shouted at Ryan that it “doesn’t matter anymore” and “I’m done.”
Meadows is furious right now at Ryan on the floor. Has said multiple times “I’m done.”
— Phil Mattingly (@Phil_Mattingly) June 20, 2018
Mark Meadows and Paul Ryan are having quite the disagreement right now.
Both are pointing at each other.
We could hear Meadows say “I’ll sign the damn discharge petition I don’t care anymore” from the gallery.
— Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) June 20, 2018
The last thing Mark Meadows said to Paul Ryan as he walked away was “doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter anymore.”
— Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) June 20, 2018
Meadows and Ryan in each other’s faces. “It doesn’t matter anymore,” Meadows tells Ryan.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) June 20, 2018
It appears now that Paul Ryan’s amnesty plan is in serious danger of not having enough votes for congressional passage.
Based on what I just saw, I don’t believe the house will pass the immigration bills tomorrow.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) June 20, 2018
Jeff Denham tells me his understanding is that the votes on the compromise immigration bill are in a good spot.
My understanding would not be that understanding — and I’d take my understanding of the votes over Jeff Denham’s understanding tbh.
— Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) June 20, 2018
It seems, based upon media reports, that Ryan and his leadership team lied to House GOP members and the president about what is in the bills being voted on Thursday.
Allegedly conservatives believe the wrong version of goodlatte’s bill is being brought up
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) June 20, 2018
Meadows is pissed about the version of Goodlatte that they’re voting on.
— Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) June 20, 2018
Meadows, who led the way in removing Ryan’s predecessor, now former Speaker John Boehner, has reportedly never been this angry at Ryan. Ryan may want to be careful, because his office has repeatedly not answered whether he has the votes to win re-election as Speaker should a Republican member–or a Democrat–call a motion to vacate the chair and remove Ryan from the Speakership now.
Don’t think I’ve ever seen Mark Meadows as livid as he is right now.
— Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) June 20, 2018
Ryan is planning to retire at the end of this Congress, serving out the rest of the year as a lame duck. But he is losing more and more support from Republicans across the conference, as some like Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) have already called for him to be removed now. Rep. Steve King (R-IA) revealed recently that members are discussing removing Ryan by force if necessary. The best part of this Meadows-Ryan dispute is that C-SPAN cameras captured most of it:
This is only a portion of the argument, but watch Meadows and Ryan argue right above the time remaining.
— Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) June 20, 2018
WATCH: (Clip 2/2) Exchange between @SpeakerRyan and Rep. Mark Meadows on the House Floor. (Look at NV column area of screen).
Note: C-SPAN doesn’t control cameras/audio in House chamber. (h/t @Jakesherman)
— Jeremy Art (@cspanJeremy) June 20, 2018
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