Indiana Republicans Approve Platform Language Affirming Right to Life From Conception

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Delegates for Saturday’s GOP convention in the state of Indiana voted to approve party platform language affirming the constitutional right to life “from conception to natural death,” which “cannot be infringed.”
“We believe in the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, and that the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee that no one can ‘be deprived of life, liberty or property’ deliberately echoes the proclamation made in the Declaration of Independence that ‘all’ are ‘endowed by their Creator’ with the inalienable right to life,” the platform reads.
“Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed.”
Read the platform as officially published here.
Indiana Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer told the Times of Northwest Indiana that prior platform language was adjusted as many Indiana Republicans had expressed a desire to see the wording for the platform strengthened.
The prior platform simply read, “We believe in the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, and we support current Indiana law, which states ‘Childbirth is preferred, encouraged, and supported over abortion.’”
“[There was a] clear, consistent and universal desire on the part of Hoosier Republicans, who testified at hearings and via email, to see the pro-life language in our platform strengthened,” Hupfer outlined. “The platform committee heard this and captured those voices in the updated language.”
The Indiana GOP also voted to retain language affirming marriage as being the union of a man and woman, declining a proposed draft from Hupfer, which would have adjusted the wording to simply recognize “all loving adults” who are raising children. The News-Sentinel reports that Hupfer presented his version as a “compromise” out of a desire to be “inclusive” and “try not to offend anyone.”
“[S]tate Republicans should be more concerned with standing up for the core beliefs of their base rather than worrying about whether they offend those who don’t like them,” the paper wrote in an editorial.
Indiana Right to Life applauded the approval of both platforms. President Mike Fichter told reporters that while the sanctity of human life platform doesn’t denote certain legislative goals to end abortion, it still “gives absolute clarity to the end objective of every strategic action and legislative effort in this area.”
As previously reported, in the 1973 case of Roe v. Wade, out of the seven Supreme Court justices that ruled in favor of Roe, five were Republican-appointed. The court discussed the reasons why abortion has historically been outlawed in the nation, including the binding vow of the Hippocratic Oath and the influence of Christian ethics. It also noted that in pagan nations such as Greece and Rome, “[a]ncient religion did not bar abortion.”
Judge Harry Blackmun, nominated by Richard Nixon, wrote the majority opinion issued on Jan. 22, 1973. Blackmun stated that the Constitution does not include the unborn as being persons, and therefore, they may not receive equal protection.
“The Constitution does not define ‘person’ in so many words,” he wrote. “[I]n nearly all these instances [where it is cited], the use of the word is such that it has application only post-natally. None indicates, with any assurance, that it has any possible pre-natal application.”
Approximately 60 million unborn children have consequently lost their lives in light of the decision.
Abortion is Murder from I’ll Be Honest on Vimeo.
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