Robert Jeffress Announces New Sermon Series On Idolatry To Kick Off Right After ‘Freedom Sunday’ Patriotic Service

DALLAS, TX—After announcing a “Freedom Sunday” patriotic service scheduled for this weekend, Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Dallas confirmed to his congregation that a brand-new sermon series on the topic of idolatry would be kicking off the following Sunday.
Jeffress confirmed the “big, patriotic blowout” would be a “one-time thing,” after which the pastor would begin preaching a new, regular series on not having any other gods before the Lord. Titled “Idols,” the six-week series will focus on all the different things Christians have a tendency to worship rather than giving glory to God alone, according to Jeffress.
“We get to set aside 60 minutes this coming Lord’s Day to stand in awe of this great Christian nation, in place of our usual time of worship,” Jeffress said. “I’ll be preaching a sermon called ‘America is a Christian Nation,’ we’ll get to recognize those who served in the military, and we’ll have fireworks, songs honoring America, and just some really great patriotic worship.”
“But don’t worry,” he added. “Next week we’ll be right back in the Word, checking out all the places God warns us about worshiping anything except for Him in our exciting new series.”
At publishing time, Jeffress had further confirmed his sermon series after “Idols” will focus on how the Christian’s citizenship is in heaven, and not any nation on this earth.
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