Jesus' Coming Back

Sources: ILLEGALS Increasingly Use Other People’s Children To Claim Asylum

Illegal immigrants are increasingly posing with children who are not their own in order to try to gain expedited entry to the U.S., multiple sources tell The Daily Caller.

A law enforcement source directly involved in apprehension told The Daily Caller officers are increasingly encountering “family units” of adult males with children of various ages. When law enforcement attempts to debrief the adult males with children, they often cannot answer even the most basic questions about their supposed children. The children also rarely appear to know details of their apparent “fathers.”

The law enforcement source cast doubt on the asylum claims that many of the illegal immigrants appear to parrot, pointing out that the vast majority of those detained are actively trying to evade authorities. Only upon their detention do they offer the exact same credible fear of returning home, most of whom say the phrase in the exact same scripted way.

The scripted manner of answer indicates to authorities that these illegal immigrants have been coached by human trafficking organizations.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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